| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Guilty pleasure TV


C'mon, we all know you have some shows you might be embarrassed to admit you watch. Don't be ashamed though! If it makes you happy, you shouldn't feel guilty about it! ;)

I don't tell many folks this but I still watch "American Idol" .. I watched seasons 1-5, then got bored, and just got back into it this season (13).

I am also a big "Battlestar Galactica" fan (the newer one, not the older one).
I don't really feel "guilty" but I really like practically anything sci-fi. I grew up on Star Trek (all of them),Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and the original Battlestar Galactica. I haven't seen any in a while but Dr. Who was cool. Nowadays sci-fi isn't as strong but I enjoy was does come out (Firefly,Almost Human, Fringe, Defiance, Haven,Warehouse 13 , Caprica ). And yeah,the new Battlestar Galactica was cool.
I also grew up on "Star Trek" .. I love the original, followed by Next Generation (I mean we all know Picard > Kirk).

I absolutely loved "Fringe"!! "Lost" and "Fringe" are still two of my favorite shows of all time.
I watched these great sci-fi shows, and even Stargate- SG-1. Wasn't ashamed of any of them.

When I saw the topic, I was thinking in terms of many now gone shows, like Bevis and Butthead, Reno 911, The Man Show. I admit that I do still watch Southpark from time to tome. Yes, those kids are crude and vulgar, but they are really funny.
South Park, Bevis, and Reno were some of my favorite shows .. I really need to get back into them. Never saw Man Show, though.

I also watch Golden Girls and I Love Lucy far more than I will admit :)
For you Star Trek Next Generation fans, somebody pieced together every comment/scene/etc. that is even vaguely sexual or suggestive and spliced it into a video called "Sexed Generation" that is seriously funny. I've seen it at least 10 times.

As far as Beavis,Reno and Southpark, I would feel guilty about them. Just not my cup of tea. Too crude for me.

Stargate SG-1 belongs up there as well.Loved the show and each spin-off. I missed so much of Atlantis that I am getting them thru Netflix now to play catch up. SG: Universe was cool and different. It took a little while for them to get rolling and was starting to get interesting.

I Love Lucy is one of a short list of sit-coms that I actually like and enjoy them when ever they are on TV.

@PhillyGirl , that vid is hilarious.
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