🏈 Greatest Play of All-Time

What was the greatest play in Alabama history?

  • "The Goal Line Stand" Bama vs. Penn ST.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "The Kick" '85 auburn game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "The Sack" Bennett vs. ND

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Please specify in post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


What was the single greatest play you've ever seen? Was it "The Goal Line Stand" against Penn? "The Sack" by Bennett? " "The Strip" by Teague? "The Kick" 1985 auburn game.

There have been countless great plays in Bama's long history, but which play do you remember the most? Which play stands out above the rest?

I vote for "The Strip"


It was by far the greatest play I've seen in my life time. Of course, I wasn't around before the 80's. So what do ya'll think.

While "the strip" was a pretty amazing play I would have to go with the goaline stand against Penn State. I mean they stopped Mike Guman on what...the one foot line to preserve that victory?

Keith Jackson called it the greatest game he'd ever seen.

Here's a nice link to that, and other games. Bama vs PSU
RollTideRandy said:
If you want to just say Bama plays, then I'll agree with The Strip. But I think the greatest play in the history of college football was the Cal kick return vs. Stanford.

Just Bama Randy. I might do a Greatest play in college football poll later.
The "goal line stand" is the single most important play in Bama history. Because of the this, Bama was declared National Champs for the eleventh time, earning more titles than Notre Dame. Teague's play, while it was a spectacular individual achievement, and it did stop Miami from scoring on that run, the play happened on a Bama defensive penalty. It did not necessarily win the game for Bama. I chose the "GLS".
Crimson323 said:
The "goal line stand" is the single most important play in Bama history. Because of the this, Bama was declared National Champs. Teague's play, while it was a spectacular individual achievement, and it did stop Miami from scoring on that run, the play happened on a Bama defensive penalty. It did not necessarily win the game for Bama. I chose the "GLS".

I agree with that, but I said the "greatest play that you've ever seen." I wasn't alive to see the goal line stand, so therefore the greatest play I've ever seen was "The Strip"

Here's a play that may go unnoticed due to how crummy the 2000 season was. If you have a chance, check out the 2000 Bama-Ole Miss game. That game was tight up until half time. Near the end of the first half, Zow gets into trouble and starts to scramble. Arvin Richard (seeing Zow is in danger of getting sacked) comes back toward the line and Zow throws it out to him. Dude breaks like 6 tackles and a couple of them are 3 or 4 guys trying to gang tackle him. Somehow he gets away and runs 40 something yards for a TD. That score put Bama up like 17-7 at the half and Bama would KILL Ole Miss in the second half to win 45-7, but that play was what put the momentum in Bama's favor. Maybe not the greatest play of all-time, but if you ask me, it was the best play of the last 10 years.
RollTideRandy said:
Here's a play that may go unnoticed due to how crummy the 2000 season was. If you have a chance, check out the 2000 Bama-Ole Miss game. That game was tight up until half time. Near the end of the first half, Zow gets into trouble and starts to scramble. Arvin Richard (seeing Zow is in danger of getting sacked) comes back toward the line and Zow throws it out to him. Dude breaks like 6 tackles and a couple of them are 3 or 4 guys trying to gang tackle him. Somehow he gets away and runs 40 something yards for a TD. That score put Bama up like 17-7 at the half and Bama would KILL Ole Miss in the second half to win 45-7, but that play was what put the momentum in Bama's favor. Maybe not the greatest play of all-time, but if you ask me, it was the best play of the last 10 years.

Man, I remember that game! I had forgot all about it 'cause I try to forget the 2000 season. Thanks for bringing that game up!
Crimson323 said:
What about Lane Bearden's on-sides kick in 2003 against Oklahoma? First play of the game. OU won 20-13, but it was still one of the great plays and games in Bama/OU history.

That one was the most shocking first plays of the season I had ever seen! :shock:
Man, tough poll. I had to vote for the Kick! I didn't think it would make the upright. Glad i was wrong. I was watching that game with my family & everyone went crazy when he made the kick.
BamaJay73 said:
Man, tough poll. I had to vote for the Kick! I didn't think it would make the upright. Glad i was wrong. I was watching that game with my family & everyone went crazy when he made the kick.

I was in the barn section on the other end of the field and could only tell it was on line. Replays I've seen suggest it might have been good from 58, perhaps 60.

What a game.


Crimson323 said:
What about Lane Bearden's on-sides kick in 2003 against Oklahoma? First play of the game. OU won 20-13, but it was still one of the great plays and games in Bama/OU history.
Wasn't that in the 2002 game that OU won 37-29? In '03 Shula was there and the score was 20-13. Just nit-picking.
The play I really enjoyed most was Peprah's fumble return of Clausen's errant lateral. When that happened, the Vols suck seemed to lose all desire to play, and of course, we sodomized them in their own house. I cannot remember a game Ive enjoyed more in recent years than the '02 UT SUCKS game.
bamaupsman said:
Crimson323 said:
What about Lane Bearden's on-sides kick in 2003 against Oklahoma? First play of the game. OU won 20-13, but it was still one of the great plays and games in Bama/OU history.
Wasn't that in the 2002 game that OU won 37-29? In '03 Shula was there and the score was 20-13. Just nit-picking.

I thought it was 2003 in Tuscaloosa. Maybe I was mistaken. Thanks.

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