| FTBL Grambling State refuses to play Saturday, fires 2nd head coach this season

I concur, IDIOTS.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Grambling axes student newspaper editor, suspends another over leaked football pics: <a href="http://t.co/JGjVPe1t4r">http://t.co/JGjVPe1t4r</a> IDIOTS.</p>&mdash; LostLettermen.com (@LostLettermen) <a href="https://twitter.com/LostLettermen/statuses/392382160964833280">October 21, 2013</a></blockquote>
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The staph infection is pretty horrible. You never wish that on anyone, so you're right, that part has nothing to do with heart, it's common sense. BUT, those pictures I saw don't look like they happened over night. As a matter of fact it looked like it's been there for many years. I have to wonder why these kids would agree to play football there knowing their equipment looked like this and their weight room did as well. I think there is blame to go all around where it was a little bit of simply taking the easy road and quitting and a lot of the administration not taking care of its athletes that it signed. My weight room in high school had similar tears in our weight benches, weight belts, etc, and we were in metro Atlanta in a middle class neighborhood, so I don't feel bad about the floors and the benches, but the mold, forcing them to buy their own nutritional items, and the staph infection is bullcrap and needs to be corrected ASAP. The Department of Health would have their asses!
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