| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC GOT theory...on the Targaryen's I'm thinking there's three: Jon, Dany ... and ...


Something struck me watching the season premiere last week when Jon Snow rode the dragon. We've learned since season one there's only one family that can touch dragons: the Targaryen's. So, when we had the scene where Sam tells Jon his true birth parents I flashed back to the scene where Jon first touches the snout of one of Dany's dragons. I should have caught the meaning that episode.

Last night another thing crossed my mind. Do you guys remember when Tyrion also touched one of the dragons? Or, and this is possibly more important, do you remember when Tywin Lannister told Tyrion, "you're no son of mine?"

Tyrion Targaryen, anyone?

On another note: Arya topless paid 15:1.
Theory about Tyrion has been out there for a long time. The books make it more obvious as a possibility. Aerys Targaryen was infatuated with Tyrion's mother even after she married Lannister and it hints he had his way with her at some point. Tyrion killed his mother at childbirth (Jon and Dany also killed their mothers at birth). Tywin also says to Tyrion at on point "Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine." The book Tyrion is also quite different looking than the show one, having one brown and one black eye and very mixed blonde and silvery hair (a Targaryen mark right there). There is also a scene in one part where a seer tells Tyrion of dragons and he standing in their midst. Having already seen the reported spoilers for the whole season, I am not sure the show will ever confirm this theory.

I think the thing that got me last night was Ghost just showing up without anyone talking about it. Just sitting there like the good boy he is waiting.
Tyrion killed his mother at childbirth (Jon and Dany also killed their mothers at birth)
That dawned on me as well but I failed to mention it in the OP.

Theory about Tyrion has been out there for a long time. The books make it more obvious as a possibility

I didn't know the theory was out there. I seldom read a lot about shows I'm following. The books are purchased and sitting on my stack of "to reads." I'm going to wait until the TV series concludes to delve into those. It's been a bit of a struggle seeing the set and not breaking open the plastic binding (left 'wrapped' to keep me from opening one of them.)

I did have someone mention the possibility of Gendry being related as well.

The book Tyrion is also quite different looking than the show one, having one brown and one black eye and very mixed blonde and silvery hair (a Targaryen mark right there).

I did notice a tweet a few weeks ago that had images from the show in a compare and contrast to how the book describes the characters. A few of them were a bit gruelish. I'll see if I can find it again later today (said as I continually put off things I need to do this morning.)

I think the thing that got me last night was Ghost just showing up without anyone talking about it.

Caught that as well...and thought that since we've seen the direwolves from the beginning we'd likely see them again before the show concludes. It did make me hit the pause button for a second. "Wait, was that Ghost?"
Gendry is Robert Baratheon's bastard. He is at best a distant relation to the Targaryens in the way that all royal houses are usually related.

Interesting note that Ned and Robert's talk of joining their houses in the first season was meant to be Sansa and Joffrey (who is not Robert's son) but wound up being Arya and Gendry (who really is Robert's son).
@rocknthefreeworld, I appreciate how they are giving the audience the scope of the size of Winterfell. It brings up one of those questions series like this often do. In this case...

How the hell is Bran getting round? Upstairs, downstairs, in the courtyard, at the tree...should we assume Ghost has some role there?
The book Tyrion is also quite different looking than the show one, having one brown and one black eye and very mixed blonde and silvery hair (a Targaryen mark right there).
I did notice a tweet a few weeks ago that had images from the show in a compare and contrast to how the book describes the characters.

House Mormont is no more

The crypts are not safe. Missandei will never see home again and Little Sam and Gilly are no more

It appears the King in the North may also be fireproof

Theon dies protecting Bran

Arya kills or at least heavily injures the Night King and the Army of the Dead falls dead

The Lady in Red saves the day and pays for it
As far as the show, it is pretty easy to tell that they ran out of source material and only have a general outline of where the books are headed
I've read that Martin's conclusion to the book series leaves a lot to be desired. It's not an exact quote, but one reviewer mentioned it seemed Martin didn't know how to close his series with his characters and that's left the void that the screen writers were dealing with.
The biggest gripe I have is how they took what were smart characters for the first 6 seasons and turned them into imbeciles. Varys was always one of the smartest characters and while he is trying to poison the queen, he makes the move to tell Jon of his plans, which triggers Tyrion(another smart character gone dumb) to rat him out first, before Jon would tell ehr moments later(I assume).
Read a very good breakdown of why things are crap the last few seasons. GRRM writes characters that do things. Everything they do has weight and impacts their future actions. That is why his books take so long, he has built a world and must make everything fit together even when he realizes he got bogged down somewhere and has to move along now. These guys have an ending and are trying to get there regardless of the characters. Basically they went on a bizzaro Name that Tune called End That Show and HBO bid 30 episodes and they bid 13 and now they have to hit that mark no matter what.
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