get some cover...some serious bad weather is brewing.

Already had tornado warnings in the Birmingham area today. Could be a long day. Coming in at 5 a.m. like these storms did, potential for tragedy. Apparently no harm other than power outages from the first line of storms.
Bluff Park, Vestavia, Cahaba Heights all got smacked pretty hard this morning. Large areas without power. Most schools closing early to get kids out ahead of the next line of storms, expected in the early afternoon.

My office closing at 1:00.
The storm that hit Tuscaloosa and then Birmingham was a monster. Estimated 1 milewide at the base. 15 known dead in Tuscaloosa, many in areas west and north of downtown Birmingham killed. Widespread damage a mile north of my office. Here, only debris on the ground, probably from Tuscaloosa.
just got off the phone with my dad, said he heard that twister that hit tuscaloosa continued to Georgia/South Carolina - man that is a monster path if it went that far.

hope you guys are all ok.
If there is a good thing about that storm it is that after it cleared the Birmingham metro area it tracked through less densely populated parts of the state. I know from watching local TV coverage that it was still on the ground when it went into Georgia.

My family and I were truly fortunate in that we were not hurt and our home was not damaged. The power flickered a few times, but never stayed out.
The twister that went thru Ttown/Bham/etc actually formed in Arkansas from what they said this morning!! They said it never lifted and just continued to stay on the ground. When it hit out warm and humid conditions yesterday it was just a recipe for total disaster and grew to epic proportions for a tornado!!

I have signed up to volunteer for cleanup efforts in the affected areas. EPA is not letting them in just yet. If you'd like to help your fellow Alabamian then you can sign up here (as well as the Red Cross)

Also if you are in Ttown or want to help specifically with ttown cleanup then they will be a meeting to for volunteer coordination at St Matthias Episcopal Church (On Skyline across from Wal-Mart) an noon today. Feel free to come out and help!!

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