| FTBL Gary Danielson

While you guys may not like everything that comes out of his mouth, he does offer some really good insights into the game.

Last night, with the punt that the LSU player fielded, how many knew it was within the rules that he could have one foot out of bounds?

I sure didn't.

Danielson did.
TerryP said:
Last night, with the punt that the LSU player fielded, how many knew it was within the rules that he could have one foot out of bounds?

I sure didn't.

Danielson did.

He didn't know the rule either. At least, not off the top of his head. He admitted that some guy who was an "ex-ref" that traveled with them told him. I guess the guy was either in the booth with them or on the headset.

He did at least admint that on the air, rather than try to take credit - which was admirable.
What I don't like about him is the fact that he covers the SEC....One conference. That is 12 teams. You should know those teams inside and out. Know their names and how to pronounce them. He kept pronouncing Rocky Goode as Rocky god???

I know you can't know everybody on every team, but at least be familiar to an extent with most everybody. I know that rosters change and different players play, but the refs are there pretty much the same year in and year out and after watching SEC football for a year or so you should be familiar with who they are. JMO.
rammerjammer said:
What I don't like about him is the fact that he covers the SEC....One conference. That is 12 teams. You should know those teams inside and out. Know their names and how to pronounce them. He kept pronouncing Rocky Goode as Rocky god???

I know you can't know everybody on every team, but at least be familiar to an extent with most everybody. I know that rosters change and different players play, but the refs are there pretty much the same year in and year out and after watching SEC football for a year or so you should be familiar with who they are. JMO.

Agreed. He's very lucky to have his job. The least he could do is respect the players enough to learn how to properly pronounce their names. Same with Lundquist.
rammerjammer said:
What I don't like about him is the fact that he covers the SEC....One conference. That is 12 teams. You should know those teams inside and out. Know their names and how to pronounce them. He kept pronouncing Rocky Goode as Rocky god???

I know you can't know everybody on every team, but at least be familiar to an extent with most everybody. I know that rosters change and different players play, but the refs are there pretty much the same year in and year out and after watching SEC football for a year or so you should be familiar with who they are. JMO.

Actually, he said that his name was Rocky Goode but his nametag tonight reads Rocky God. Ol' Vern is the one who can't pronounce the names correctly. According to Vern, LSU has a return man named Trinden "Holloway". :lol: And, BAMA's MLB is named Larondo McCain. It amazes me that there isn't one guy in the world other than Al Michaels that can sound good and pronounce names correctly. :shock:

I'm not a big fan of Musberger, but he did a pretty good job on the Bama/Clemson game.....I was there and watched the replay and he did a fine job IMO. I know there are no perfect announcers out there. Heck people on here even gripe about Eli. Nonetheless. I liked it when Sean McDonough and Vern were a team for CBS. I also liked Gottfried and Franklin......although Franklin is much like my rant about Danielson. He basically covered the SEC game of the week every Saturday night on ESPN for years, but still screwed up players names on a regular basis.

I just think that if you cover basically one conference that you should be able to pronounce the names correctly of all the starters. Crap for the most part they are going to be calling Alabama,Auburn, LSU, UT, Georgia,Florida three or four times during a year.
rammerjammer said:

I'm not a big fan of Musberger, but he did a pretty good job on the Bama/Clemson game.....I was there and watched the replay and he did a fine job IMO. I know there are no perfect announcers out there. Heck people on here even gripe about Eli. Nonetheless. I liked it when Sean McDonough and Vern were a team for CBS. I also liked Gottfried and Franklin......although Franklin is much like my rant about Danielson. He basically covered the SEC game of the week every Saturday night on ESPN for years, but still screwed up players names on a regular basis.

I just think that if you cover basically one conference that you should be able to pronounce the names correctly of all the starters. Crap for the most part they are going to be calling Alabama,Auburn, LSU, UT, Georgia,Florida three or four times during a year.

yesiree, I agree on al points.

I had mentioned Musberger last week, too. rj, knowing that I probably catch some flack about it.

I actually enjoy Herbstreit in the booth with Musburger. They make a good team, IMO.

I bet Danielson had the LSU faithful foaming at their mouths with his Tebow/Meyer love fest, that is before many of them quit watching.
The mispronouncing of people's names is getting ridiculous. I don't know who was calling the TN-Georgia game, but that guy called Tuberville "Tim Tuberville." Not to mention he called Javy "Ali Sharrief" during the Kentucky game...and forgot about Chapman being on the team.
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