| FTBL GA Dome seat split


Verified Member
Hey folks,

I'm getting ready to shell out for SECCG tickets, but don't want to end up with seats in the middle of the Florida side if I can help it. Anybody have an idea on which side will be for us?
Crap! I forgot about the East being the home team and my tickets are in Sec 313! Guess we'll be hanging out with the Gator fans... :roll:
meanmoma18 said:
Can someone explain how the ticket allotments are for the SEC CG? I heard Bama was getting 15,900 tkts and I am sure Fla is getting the same. What happened to the rest?????????? :?

They go to people who purchased them in advance through the SEC Office.
Porter said:
meanmoma18 said:
Can someone explain how the ticket allotments are for the SEC CG? I heard Bama was getting 15,900 tkts and I am sure Fla is getting the same. What happened to the rest?????????? :?

They go to people who purchased them in advance through the SEC Office.

I know quite a few Bama fans who still have rights to tickets because they bought some the year of the first SECCG. They have the option to renew each year...and even when we weren't playing, bought the tickets and sold them.
Unfortunately, tickets are going to be sold at a premium, especially if it's a National Championship playoff game.

There will be lots of fans there with no allegiance to either team.

I'm saving my money for Miami!!
It Takes Eleven said:
Swamptick said:
Actually most Gator fans are pretty cool.

My unscientific sample disagrees with you on that.

Yep me too. The only time I've ever been pushed down was by a Gator at the '94 SECCG. Unfortunately I was alone after buying two singles outside the stadium with a friend. We separated and somehow he got the great Alabama section ticket and I got the Florida one. :?

Anyway it was really pitiful. It happened after we scored a TD. I was screaming, yes. Nothing bad, nothing in-your-face, just celebrating a TD. An older Gator man pushes me back into my seat and says he doesn't want to hear from me again. Needless to say I moved from that section and never returned. :x
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