Fellow Metal Heads

My hearing aids help but I still have trouble even when it comes to conversations.

I am practically deaf in my right ear. The largest contributing factor is that I was standing practically inside a 6' Sunn side fill horn speaker when our lead guitarist launched into the main solo of "You Got Another Thing Coming" by Priest. Each guitar was running through a pair of these and the sound man was manually pushing them up for the solos. It literally felt like someone slapped me in the side of the head with a 2x4
I am practically deaf in my right ear. The largest contributing factor is that I was standing practically inside a 6' Sunn side fill horn speaker when our lead guitarist launched into the main solo of "You Got Another Thing Coming" by Priest. Each guitar was running through a pair of these and the sound man was manually pushing them up for the solos. It literally felt like someone slapped me in the side of the head with a 2x4
Same dude.. If I'm laying on my left side while watching TV I can't hear shit. It sucks man, that's one huge regret of mine, because I'll never get that back.
I am practically deaf in my right ear. The largest contributing factor is that I was standing practically inside a 6' Sunn side fill horn speaker when our lead guitarist launched into the main solo of "You Got Another Thing Coming" by Priest. Each guitar was running through a pair of these and the sound man was manually pushing them up for the solos. It literally felt like someone slapped me in the side of the head with a 2x4

Mine is a bit different. Back when I was really young (so young to the point I was still breathing thru my ears and not .y nose yet)I got sick. The germs got in my ears and damaged the nerves. Thru life any loud noises affected it. I got thru school OK but had to sit at the front of class in high school. It wasn't till after graduation I started going to concerts all the time. After a few years of that I finally had toget some hearing aids.

Onthe bright side,if I'm ina noisy environment or someone is really annoying, Ijust turn them off and enjoy some peace and quiet.
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