Employment Advice


Verified Member
Good Afternoon Guys!

I am going to be making the move to Tuscaloosa, this fall to pursue my Masters, and my significant other is also making the trip.

I was just hoping to get some feedback on seeking employment. He is going to looking for full-time work, while I will only be able to work part-time while in school.

Any advice on where to look? Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
That is a pretty broad question. What are your backgrounds?

Shooting from the hip on this answer. Unless he is in construction/builder, I would suggest you guys get closer to B'ham. The McCalla area is on the west side of Birmingham. It will put you about 30 minutes from Tuscaloosa. It will put him about 30 minutes from downtown Birmingham. That will put you in the middle and give you a ton of opportunity as far as work. I know Porter can give you more info on T-town and the housing around there, but I rode through last week and let's just say that this fall will be crazy when it comes to housing and I can only imagine what that will do to prices. Tons of Apartments and houses that was used by students are no longer there. I imagine demand will go through the roof and prices will follow suit.
Sorry details would have been helpful! :lance:

I have background is anything administrative I don't think it will be too hard for me to find a job. (At least I hope not)

He has a strong customer service and sales background. Currently he works at a bank. He is pretty open to anything.

We already have an apartment reserved at the Heights of Skyland. Hopefully, the place is okay. I haven't heard too many bad things about it.

We were hoping to get a house in T-town but with the tornado that made it almost impossible.

It seems Birmingham might be the best chance to get some solid employment. That would be a rough drive everyday from Tuscaloosa.

Thanks for all your help! I will just keep an eye out. I just didn't know if there were any places that were recommended. If you guys think of anything or know of anything- any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
There are a lot of banks in the area, so he might have some luck with that... As for a PT job while in school, a lot of the students around here work in restaurants or in retail. There are jobs to be had in most cases with both of those if you know where to look. The curve ball, like has been touched on with the housing issue, is how the storm will impact the job situation... a good many folks lost their jobs when that tornado ripped through here, so that is flooding the market a little more than usual... but I would imagine the sooner you start applying the better, because once the students start getting back into town later this summer, the FT & PT jobs will start getting snatched up quick (many employers in the retail/restaurant business will hire just before school starts back because that is obviously when business picks up around here, unlike some places).

Here are some good links to check often...





And Monster.com which is linked with the Tuscaloosa News...

Good luck with the move and let me know if you have any questions... feel free to PM me.
One thing that could operate in your favor:

Like the gulf coast area, post Katrina. almost anyone who knows which end of a hammer to hold will be lured into some type of construction or clean up job by the pay. This will make more part time and full time jobs available in retail, food service, and the pay for such jobs will likely go up as it did then.
Thanks again guys for all the help!

I know it seems early to be looking, but your right Porter once all these students move in finding employment will be difficult. We joke that there is a bank on every corner of Tuscaloosa, or at least it seems that way.

Thanks again for the good luck wishes, we are planning on moving down the middle August. Should be quite an experience...haha

planomateo- I know my Mother makes an hour long commute to work every day and back every evening. Commuting is rough but sometimes the pay is worth it.
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