It's a '2 for $' deal at every store I can think of except some independently owned. Bud, Yuengling, Bud Light, Coors Light ... all of them run at 2 for $4.50. I don't know how the singles are priced: they aren't. I believe Parker's has a single, 24 oz can of Yuengling for $2.95. I think this store has it priced as 1 for $2.97 or 2 for $2.97.The hate is so strong. At a buck-fifty a can, do you think they're actually losing money on you, is that their cost, or did they fat finger the 1.50 instead of 2.50? How much do you normally spend for a 24 ounce can?
I noticed this same store is asking for $3.98 for two boiled eggs. $2.00 for a banana.