| FTBL Do we have a steroid problem in college football?

There has been a drug testing system in place for quite some time now...we've even had players at Bama lose a year of their eligibility due to positive tests.

HGH is a different story...
I think that HGH is in wide use in all sports. It is harder to detect and (so far) there is not alot of evidence showing any long term negative effects of using HGH.

The stuff really works.
Swamptick said:
I think that HGH is in wide use in all sports. It is harder to detect and (so far) there is not alot of evidence showing any long term negative effects of using HGH.

The stuff really works.

Isn't that the stuff that makes your head grow and you get a neanderthal jaw?
It Takes Eleven said:
Swamptick said:
I think that HGH is in wide use in all sports. It is harder to detect and (so far) there is not alot of evidence showing any long term negative effects of using HGH.

The stuff really works.

Isn't that the stuff that makes your head grow and you get a neanderthal jaw?


So that's the reason, and all this time I thought it was because mom had had a difficult delivery with me.
I think it starts in high school ball. I think many athletes continue to take it in the offseason during their college careers, and even more in the NFL. The NFL has a terrible steroid/HGH problem, but for some reason the MLB has taken most of the heat so far. I think there will be a similar case for the NFL down the road.

I think in college and high school there is not that much HGH going around, mostly just steroids. Atleast that's been the case on the stories that I know of.
BamaFan615 said:
The NFL has a terrible steroid/HGH problem, but for some reason the MLB has taken most of the heat so far.

Yep, I have often wondered the reason for this, too, especially when you have had NFL players like Lyle Alzado openly admitting it. :?
considering that HGH is about 800 bucks a month, I can't imagine most college students affording it plus ramen noodles. Then again... BTW - I don't have Barry Bonds sized head, but I worked out at Golds Gym and Max Muscle in Los Angeles, talk about knuckle dragging...
shiloh said:
considering that HGH is about 800 bucks a month, I can't imagine most college students affording it plus ramen noodles. Then again... BTW - I don't have Barry Bonds sized head, but I worked out at Golds Gym and Max Muscle in Los Angeles, talk about knuckle dragging...

You can get pretty good results safely by taking DHEA, available from the vitamin section of most stores for pennies per pill. It helps to regulate hormone production among other benefits...I recommend it to anyone and everyone.

I wish they would not have outlawed Androstenedione. I really liked it but some people jacked up the dosage so the govt outlawed it. I have a few left but my stash is almost gone. Andro is not a steroid, it is a precursor that (when taken in correct dose) will increase your body's natural production of testosterone. Stacking 50mg Andro + DHEA rocked and it was safe with no side effects other than the desire to work harder.

A lot of times the govt sticks there nose into things that are not problems, and the NCAA does it too. We lost a player for an entire season because he took a supplement with mah huang (ephedra). I took Ephedrine HCL when I played and it was legal. It helped my endurance by opening my air passages and allowing richer oxygen saturation. Because of eph HCL I would test positive for ephedra. It can be used to make meth, so you cannot buy the 300 tablet bottles for $6.99 anymore...it is $9.99 for 25 and you have to sign your life away to buy them.
I never knew of any at my HS, but my brother in law graduated in the same year('85) and said all his buds in HS knew when to go see "Dr. Brown" in Oklahoma that was known to write scripts for all sorts of things...sight unseen.

My bro in law played center and benched 450, squated 600 when he was 18! :shock: Played at college ball at Tulsa. He contends that it has always been there at the college level. He says the staffs may not be able to "hear no evil, see no evil" any more. OS maybe it has cleaned up some.
Tideboy said:
I never knew of any at my HS, but my brother in law graduated in the same year('85) and said all his buds in HS knew when to go see "Dr. Brown" in Oklahoma that was known to write scripts for all sorts of things...sight unseen.

My bro in law played center and benched 450, squated 600 when he was 18! :shock: Played at college ball at Tulsa. He contends that it has always been there at the college level. He says the staffs may not be able to "hear no evil, see no evil" any more. OS maybe it has cleaned up some.

Those numbers are similar to what I did at that age. I benched a little less and squatted a bit more. Power Cleans were my forte'...I could PC over 400...not because of raw strength like a hang clean but explosiveness.
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