| FTBL Deep thoughts by Jack Handey: Are we 4-0 heading to Athens?


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So, it's fun to think about, and entirely premature, but with WKU coming to town this weekend, and most people feel a win is going to come, I wondered about the game with Arkansas coming up. Sure, they are 2-0 right now, but a match-up against Texas and then Alabama the week after could make Arky's young season turn uglier fast. Both of their wins were against weak teams that had no business competing with SEC programs. Sure, we've lost some like that, and got a scare out of one this past weekend.

If, a big IF, we win these next two, and head to Athens undefeated, what's the story? How will we compete? It's very likely that UGA will still be undefeated and either #1 or #2 in the nation at the time. We would also likely be in the top 10.

Fun to think about. Anybody care to speculate?
Well I fell like we stand a good chance against them. I feel like the coaching staff will have us prepared for this game, both physically and mentally, the way we need to be. I hope our mentality is better, for veterans and Freshmen.

Georgia will be coming off of a pretty tough road schedule, this week @ South Carolina and then @ ASU. I feel like with us coming to town after this road schedule, we play a close one against a tired Georgia team.

Just my opinion...
12Champs said:
We are going to beat Jawja.

I like that answer! We are heading to Athens for this game, with my Georgia husband. It should be fun and I hope it is a good one, with us pulling out the win.

I would love to sing "Rammer Jammer" in his face! :D
I'll step out of the confines of my immediate concerns (next 2 games) and say we're due for a big upset. We haven't had a big SEC upset since Florida '05. It's time, but will UGA be it? Lots to ask for. We have a way of playing up but not necessarily winning up. Who knows????
I like our chances aswell. We should/could have beaten them last year. Crimson glasses removed, there isn't a team on the schedule we can't beat. I'm with Bass, the team will be ready for this game. But first, WKU.
Arky State hung 83 on Toledo(?) last weekend. I can't recall ever seeing 80+ points in a football game. Their OC was the co-ordinator for my son's high school team last year. Took the first train out after the state championship game...which I don't blame him for bettering his situation. Our defense needs to hit 'em in the mouth and shut 'em down early.
gumboman said:
Arky State hung 83 on Toledo(?) last weekend. I can't recall ever seeing 80+ points in a football game. Their OC was the co-ordinator for my son's high school team last year. Took the first train out after the state championship game...which I don't blame him for bettering his situation. Our defense needs to hit 'em in the mouth and shut 'em down early.

If they had dropped 80 on Toledo, I would be worried. As it is, they hung it on Texas Southern - a D1AA team that was 0-11 last year. Southern had over 48 or more points scored on them 5 times last season.
It is not that Arkie State is that good...Texas Southern is THAT bad. Arkie State did beat TAMU in week one, but TAMU is bad as well. Mike Sherman is going to have TAMU Fans thinking longingly about Fran.
Big_Fan said:
gumboman said:
Arky State hung 83 on Toledo(?) last weekend. I can't recall ever seeing 80+ points in a football game. Their OC was the co-ordinator for my son's high school team last year. Took the first train out after the state championship game...which I don't blame him for bettering his situation. Our defense needs to hit 'em in the mouth and shut 'em down early.

If they had dropped 80 on Toledo, I would be worried. As it is, they hung it on Texas Southern - a D1AA team that was 0-11 last year. Southern had over 48 or more points scored on them 5 times last season.
It is not that Arkie State is that good...Texas Southern is THAT bad. Arkie State did beat TAMU in week one, but TAMU is bad as well. Mike Sherman is going to have TAMU Fans thinking longingly about Fran.

You know, I wouldn't count Mike Sherman out. There have been a lot of cases in the past few years of NFL guys coming to college and doing a great job. One I can think of is Pete Carroll. Gene Stallings did a decent job, if I recall :D . But then, there are the Dave Wandstet's, and the guy at Nebraska the past few years too. So, win some lose some.

With Texas A&M, if they can get recruiting going, they could be a national player. But a lot of talent around College Station goes to UT, LSU, OU, and others...Tough place to recruit.
We also must shut down the one and only, Knowshon Moreno. He is a major key in their offense, I mean 3 TD's in one game? That is a major factor. If we can get in his face and put him on the ground, as we did Clemson's RB's, I think we can pull the upset.

As always, I predict a 'Bama win because that is all I can do. To do otherwise would be shaming my family and weakening my conscience.

Georgia, as mentioned, faces S. Carolina and Arizona St. immediately before their encounter with us. Alabama faces W. Kentucky and Arkansas.

Luckily, for both teams, South Carolina seems to be off a bit and so does Arkansas. As we all know, South Caro. beat Georgia last year and Arkansas always gives 'Bama a scare or outright beats us.

Let's assume that South Carolina's spirit is already broken and they don't give Georgia much trouble this year.

On to Arizona State. Being their first really "big time" game of the year on Sept. 20th at Arizona State, I think Georgia rises to the occasion and brutalizes Arizona State. I'm thinking a 28 point or better victory. It will give them reason to be happy and confident of their team's ability.

Knowing Alabama, of late, we will take care of W. Kentucky pretty handily, I'll say by 21 points or something close to that. We will, of course, struggle with a weak Arkansas team but win by a good 10 points, another dirty and disappointing victory.

Overall though, 'Bama fans and the 'Bama team and coaches will feel like no matter how ugly some of our games, we have earned our four victories the hard way.

That will give us confidence, but not the same kind of confidence that the Georgia fans and team have. Their confidence will be an overflowing and arrogant confidence, a confidence born out of what they may feel is their destiny this year.

'Bama's confidence will be rooted in a hope to break out of this funk that has enveloped our team and fans these last year's. A sick and tired of the same old, same old and having a strong desire to do something about it determination type of confidence.

As I read articles this past offseason from all over the Internet, off of Georgia message boards, etc... I noticed one overriding theme. It was a theme of disregard for Alabama.

When I read threads on the Georgia board about their season, Alabama was almost always never mentioned. The same goes for articles written about their tough schedule written by national sportswriters for different papers, like the AJC or a few others. The same scenario stands true for articles written by the writers for ESPN, Yahoo, SI, etc...

It really stood out to me how Alabama was never mentioned by hardly anyone when discussing Georgia's aspirations to win it all this year.

And that is perfectly fine, that is wonderful. The win over Clemson awoke a few of the clueless, but 'Bama's performance against Tulane may have lulled them back to sleep again. Let's hope that is the case.

What would be ideal would be a continually improving and humble Alabama, with our OLine back at full strength manhandling opponents again, facing an arrogant and pompous Georgia team.

Two teams, both undefeated, separated by just under 200 miles on the map, but world's apart in perceptions and expectations.

'Bama lights up college football again and lays a 17 point victory on the Bulldogs. An Alabama team ready to shake off the doubts that years of mediocrity has placed on them turns in a shocker of a performance on the 27th of September. Part II of our amazing season will have come to a conclusion at this point. Alabama is once again a mover and a shaker in the SEC.
bamabass23 said:
We also must shut down the one and only, Knowshon Moreno. He is a major key in their offense, I mean 3 TD's in one game? That is a major factor. If we can get in his face and put him on the ground, as we did Clemson's RB's, I think we can pull the upset.


We stopped 2 Knowshon Moreno's on the same team last year when we played Arkansas. One of them will not be as difficult.
CtrlAltieDel said:
bamabass23 said:
We also must shut down the one and only, Knowshon Moreno. He is a major key in their offense, I mean 3 TD's in one game? That is a major factor. If we can get in his face and put him on the ground, as we did Clemson's RB's, I think we can pull the upset.


We stopped 2 Knowshon Moreno's on the same team last year when we played Arkansas. One of them will not be as difficult.

Caleb King makes for a pretty good 2nd punch and Richard Samuel (3rd string) is getting some carries as well.
RussB said:
Giving up 38 points to them isn't really stopping anything, but rather they were even less able to stop us.

We didn't give up 38 points to McFadden and Jones, 'Bama gave up 38 points to Arkansas. Winning a game is commonly referred to as stopping someone or something. That is just how it has always been discussed. If your team wins they stopped someone else from winning.
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