| FTBL Damien Harris Comments on Malachi Moore [Update: Moore issues apology via social media]

It would be nice if they reach out to CKD first about how they feel, instead of pundits that hate Alabama… as a matter of fact all the legendary players should call a meeting with him and the coaching staff… now if they want to call out the player, that’s fine..especially if they’re NIL players..
Former players are in the building all the time in the offseason. We see them on the sideline. Julius Jones has the permission to speak to WR rooms with Shepard blessings. D.Harris talks to RB groups all the time. Bryce Young talks to Milroe (they're close friends) I"m sure Tua and Jalen hurts reach out to Milroe all the time. Why would former players call a meeting with coaching staff... why? That's like me buying a business and I'm asking former owner to come in and call a meeting in a building I owe and manage my employees.
Somebody should tell Moore to learn to mediate and positive self talk… getting that pissed takes way his fine motor skills and critical thinking.. I still say they need a penalty or cooling off box, for individual players, like hockey.. for stupid penalties and violent behavior..
I think fans are overeacting to Moore's behavior. Too much is being made out of nothing. It's handled, and they've moved on. I think we should move on from this as well.
He has done that with the team. All else will be handled quietly, as it should be.
I didn't like his behavior, but part of me was proud of him for holding his team accountable and he showed that but unfortunately, he handled that shit wrong on the field. I wish he had went into locker room and flipped chairs, throwing shit across the room and all. At least it would be private and we wouldnt know about it.
I think fans are overeacting to Moore's behavior. Too much is being made out of nothing. It's handled, and they've moved on. I think we should move on from this as well.
The thing that needs to be remedied in my opinion is “the entire players past and present” need to keep in close contact and keep it close to the vest…Try to clean house from the inside then move to the yard, last …The legacy players are going to the press to stay relevant ( especially at the university)… maybe they should do more inside the university to stay relevant..Spend some time with the staff and players, to keep the culture…
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Former players are in the building all the time in the offseason. We see them on the sideline. Julius Jones has the permission to speak to WR rooms with Shepard blessings. D.Harris talks to RB groups all the time. Bryce Young talks to Milroe (they're close friends) I"m sure Tua and Jalen hurts reach out to Milroe all the time. Why would former players call a meeting with coaching staff... why? That's like me buying a business and I'm asking former owner to come in and call a meeting in a building I owe and manage my employees
In my opinion, I think Damon Harris should’ve expressed his views to the coach, instead of the media first…He said the coach wanted to be a buddy, instead of a coach…That something Harris should have went to him with, maybe he would’ve took the advice… Now CKD may be wary of Harris, instead of open to him..
I am sure Byrne is a part of trying to best resolve this clusterfeck. It has to be handled today with the player making an apology to all parties as well as to Vandy. A real chance to put this to bed.

Make sure Vandy gets an apology as do the others...U of A, Team, Coaches, and Alumni.
We need to come out as a team and tell Vandy “YOU KICKED OUR ASS, THANK YOU”…
Why would Moore issue a public apology? The only apology he should issue is to his team and his parent. that's it. I don't give a damn if he does or does not apology to the fans. He don't owe us anything.

Ehh, he kind of does. Who you think is paying his NIL? He's a Captain and ambassador to my alma mater, so he technically does owe us something for wearing our school on his chest and acting that way. I agreed to uphold integrity and follow rules and guidelines to be a student, so he owes Alabama an apology.

NOW, it means zero to me as it is no secret how I see players this day in age and how I feel NIL and external factors have allowed the game to get so far away from what it was. Him saying he is sorry holds zero weight, because they are just words, it's actions that need to speak volumes. I'm not holding my breath, because in the end my day does not stop and start with what Malachi Moore has to say, but you can see it is embarrassing for a lot of people and even those that wore that uniform, so it does mean something.
This is probably the last I’m going to say on it…

What he did wasn’t good. It was a bad look for him and for the team. The fact that he wears the C on his jersey made both of those things much worse. It also isn’t an indictment on him as a player or a person. He’s a 2x captain. A guy Saban loved, and still does. The actions were out of character for him, he’s never been a “problem” guy. There’s also worse things he could have done, like walked off in frustration, refused to re-enter, and quit on his team. At least, while still in the wrong, he actually wanted to be out there. Not so sure some of his teammates did at that point.

But, this stuff happens. It doesn’t happen out in the open a ton with Bama, but it does happen and happened plenty under Saban’s rule. 95% of it is never seen on a Saturday. Or really ever known about at all. But it happens. And at Alabama, where the pressures are great, the expectations are greater, and the competition is stiff, it winds the spring of emotion even tighter.

For those that want to see how DeBoer handles it, just a heads up. It’s unlikely you’ll find out. He will be asked about it today and he may give some insight, but more than likely, he will stand by his player and handle it within the building, as it should be done.
Ehh, he kind of does. Who you think is paying his NIL? He's a Captain and ambassador to my alma mater, so he technically does owe us something for wearing our school on his chest and acting that way. I agreed to uphold integrity and follow rules and guidelines to be a student, so he owes Alabama an apology.

NOW, it means zero to me as it is no secret how I see players this day in age and how I feel NIL and external factors have allowed the game to get so far away from what it was. Him saying he is sorry holds zero weight, because they are just words, it's actions that need to speak volumes. I'm not holding my breath, because in the end my day does not stop and start with what Malachi Moore has to say, but you can see it is embarrassing for a lot of people and even those that wore that uniform, so it does mean something.
Well, which is it young feller? If'n he stays quiet he won't be apologizing, and if'n he apologizes he'll be weightless...

I have no issues with DH speaking his mind. Former players aren’t going to call DeBoer and tell him what he should be doing. But those who have an audience can voice their opinion to let him know what standards should be upheld. Will DeBoer see/read/hear it? I doubt it. But he will likely get a summarized version via his family or Byrne. Alabama has a history of discipline. Now is not the time to gloss over behavior.
Ehh, he kind of does. Who you think is paying his NIL? He's a Captain and ambassador to my alma mater, so he technically does owe us something for wearing our school on his chest and acting that way. I agreed to uphold integrity and follow rules and guidelines to be a student, so he owes Alabama an apology.

NOW, it means zero to me as it is no secret how I see players this day in age and how I feel NIL and external factors have allowed the game to get so far away from what it was. Him saying he is sorry holds zero weight, because they are just words, it's actions that need to speak volumes. I'm not holding my breath, because in the end my day does not stop and start with what Malachi Moore has to say, but you can see it is embarrassing for a lot of people and even those that wore that uniform, so it does mean something.
It won't matter. It'll be handled internally and they'll move on.
Ehh, he kind of does. Who you think is paying his NIL? He's a Captain and ambassador to my alma mater, so he technically does owe us something for wearing our school on his chest and acting that way. I agreed to uphold integrity and follow rules and guidelines to be a student, so he owes Alabama an apology.

NOW, it means zero to me as it is no secret how I see players this day in age and how I feel NIL and external factors have allowed the game to get so far away from what it was. Him saying he is sorry holds zero weight, because they are just words, it's actions that need to speak volumes. I'm not holding my breath, because in the end my day does not stop and start with what Malachi Moore has to say, but you can see it is embarrassing for a lot of people and even those that wore that uniform, so it does mean something.
You were right.

Why would Moore issue a public apology? The only apology he should issue is to his team and his parent. that's it. I don't give a damn if he does or does not apology to the fans. He don't owe us anything.
Players “don’t owe fans anything”? Wow! We definitely don’t ageee on this for sure. Now I get that I’m old but a big part of what’s wrong with sports today is the players don’t respect the role fans have in the game. Namely, without the fans there wouldn’t be any places for players to play at the collegiate level. And there wouldn’t be a professional level at all. In the past there was a symbiotic relationship between players and fans. Without players there’s no need for fans and vice versa. If one doesn’t respect the other then as with all such relationships a break will eventually occur. At present, the TV money allows the imbalance favoring the owners and the players. Though, the kind of money they’re throwing at sports can’t continue to escalate as it has the past 20 years unless America’s population increases more dramatically than it has during those years. And the demographics of the population increases don’t favor the owners and the players either for that matter.

I could go on but I’ll conclude with one other point. The game I’ve loved passionately my entire life doesn’t hold me as it once did. And the money I’ve invested because of my passion won’t continue with my children and grandchildren. That’s one thing ESPN and others in the media may have miscalculated. The millennials do not share the devotion to college football prior generations had with the game. Ask anyone attached with athletic fundraising at the university level if it’s not a big concern? I know from personal experience that it is. If viewership doesn’t increase the TV money will slow and if millennials and generation x’ers aren’t willing to donate the chunks of money their parents and grandparents did where will the ever increasing amounts of money for the players come from in the future? The only other place it can … from the blue collar fans. But if they’re not respected by the players you can bet they won’t spend their hard earned money enriching them.
I missed the very end of the game, thus missing #13 antics. However, I just watched it on video.

Moore flat out made an ass of himself that he is going to have to live with the rest of his life. His name/actions will forever be attached to the one of the most embarrassing losses of this great program. I hope he gets some help with this because it is going to be hard to live with, especially considering how emotional Moore is.

To that end, he flat out disrespected his Defensive Coordinator & DeBoer did nothing. . . . . I agree with others that this needs to be an internal thing. But it must be absolutely handled in such a way that it is clear this will never, ever, be tolerated again. Deboer is hanging by a few threads right now within the locker room. If he does not get this addressed the right way, CKD loses the players & his coaches simply because no self-respecting competitor Respects ass kissers & hug time coaches (see Mark Richt). Having a high standard of excellence requires accountability, otherwise those standards don't me jack squat.

I am eager to see this teams progress this week. If Deboer does it right, they'll draw closer together & come out on fire. If not, this past weekends performance & reaction will happen again, several times because the Aura that CNS created with other teams "Hate Playing AGainst These Guys" it's gone. And can only be earned back by beating the hell out of the competition.
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