🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

And that's still unexplainable to me.

You can't sit 6' apart in a movie theatre? A bowling alley isn't an athletic facility? Tell me that's not a sport. Hell, people have been sanitizing balls since Adam met Eve.

Night club...if you serve food that's an exemption? Full menu's?

They explicitly laid out that "athletic facility" means commercial gyms, yoga classes, spin classes, etc. Sports are still a no.
Uh, how's that? "Conveniently leaving out certain words" is quite ironic considering what's been seen in this very thread. If we're getting to "facts" here did she misquote headlines?

But calling her stupid? That's just petty. It's funny calling someone who has had success like she has stupid; certainly not deserved, reeks of jealousy. You don't like what she says, fine.

Setting that aside, she was calling out several news outlets and was accurate.

Yes she misquoted them, Terry. Leaving out literal parts of the headline is misquoting.

I did not call her stupid. I do not know her. I said what she said is stupid.

She was not accurate. Far from it.
Yes she misquoted them, Terry. Leaving out literal parts of the headline is misquoting.

I did not call her stupid. I do not know her. I said what she said is stupid.

She was not accurate. Far from it.

Kinda like the media tweeting a headline that doesn't align with the story. Or continuly asking "gotcha questions" vs reporting on real and important stories.

Not mentioning "For Now" wasn't a big issue with me. The media should be held accountable and so should our politicians. I'm glad she fired back...she's in a tough job.
I predict this will be “Our Summer of Discontent”. The temps of summer grind the nerves and shorten the fuse, especially for city dwellers. On the precipice gentlemen.
Ran across this
WHO bowed to China
World Health Organization
A few weeks ago I read about how the director of WHO managed to get his "appointment" and the author linked China's support. So, this makes sense in that light.

What's interesting to me is about two, maybe three, years ago Ghebreyesus was accused of covering up outbreaks in Ethiopia (during the appointment of the WHO director.) I want to say WHO officials pointed to three occasions they believed he'd covered things up...or, shall we say, shaded the truth. It may have been his opposition. I skimmed the article one afternoon while surfing around.
Crap like this is what I meant when I mentioned “The Summer of Our Discontent”. Two red neck idiots murder this guy and don’t get charged until a video surfaces. Now the mayor of Atlanta decides to fan the flames.

Blame it on Trumps Followers

Just my opinion, Georgia has a death penalty and both should be executed based on what I've seen.

Too bad this videographer didn't have the courage to engage during the incident. He could have saved this man's life.
Boys, we are a simmering powder keg in this country. That idiot bïtch mayor could cause a war. Armed black panthers are “protesting” in the area now. Those dïcks are as big of racists as the klan.
I like this view

The U.S. economy, and most large economic systems worldwide, have failed, and are being artificially supported in order to keep the people at bay during this global debacle. This is temporary, for most all economies are already finished, and a new global system is desired in order to sustain the appearance of legitimate economies and markets. The collapse will be blamed conveniently on this coronavirus, but that is just a cover for creating a new monetary system with digital money, tracking of everything and every transaction, social scoring, internal passports (papers), and centralized control of all essential goods, services, and natural resources.

Most of the major wealth in this country is controlled by about 1% of the population, but with this reaction to the pandemic scare, especially the purposeful economic destruction that has happened, things will continue to get much worse as time goes by. Because of this manufactured pandemic, the wealth shift that was planned all along due to a structured depression in asset prices, the top 1% will end up doubling their wealth at the expense of us all. With 50 million people or more soon to be out of work, many for good, businesses shutting down nationwide, food shortages, enhanced health risks, and mass poverty, control by the state will be easier to achieve, especially as technocratic systems continue to be advanced.
One mans view


quote from elsewhere

CLUE THREE: Money. Insurance money. In a phone interview, physician and Minnesota state senator, Scott Jensen, told me that hospitals, who are suffering very deep financial losses, are incentivized by Medicare to label as many patients as possible “COVID-19,” and to put them on ventilators.
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