Come on dude, even your boy Obama was a massive liar. You spent eight years defending him and pissed off at everyone, now you've almost spent four years pissed off at Trump and everyone that shows a tid bit of liking him. When do you realize this shit ain't worth it? No politician is worth the anger and combativeness from either side of the aisle. More than anything, I can't believe you or anyone else actually trusts the government in any way, shape, or form regardless of who is in office.
If they told the American public the truth and were just honest, 80% of the citizens in this country would collapse and die of shock. It's all a game. I thought the movie The Matrix was stupid and nerdy when it came out, basically because I couldn't understand it, but more than ever today do I realize this world we live in is just that, the real world, and the manufactured world we live in and that so many believe in.