Meanwhile gun sales
An effort to thin the herd and shed some resource negative people perhaps. Just my gut feeling I but think that we are about to see an economy reduced to 1970s size with lots more people. This could very well lead to a flavor of national socialism arising. Globalism spread and made it worse. Dems shit their pants when xenophobic prez shut down travel from China. People are going to scream and demand order from chaos and the demand will be met. Gonna get ugly. Waiting to see what the reaction is to 24hr home confinement.
@BamaBoyJosh your arguments really sound compelling until you see the sources. POTUS doesn't trust the media. They lie. If a media source or channel tells me a lie. I just tune it out. At this point he is doing a good job fighting this thing. Can't go back. The only one that didn't make mistakes died 2020 years ago. I haven't seen the star in the east lately.
Heck I thought this was being blown out of proportion until about 3 weeks ago. I have a general disposition of distrust what is being reported by the media and the politics behind it. I would be one of those slower to act until I had better proof backed with data that I trusted. There are different personality types that view events and information differently.
If they didn't know, then there is a much bigger problem in the US.
And yes, fully agree there needs to be a massive lessons learned on this. From my perspective this was mismanaged from the very beginning.
But doing it now is a political move, which is just another misstep by the Democrats.
I stopped listening to Martin Houston in the morning because of his ignorance on this topic early on. He minimized this just like others did without any data. Haven't listened to him since.
This is exactly why he gets away with all of his bullshit. He is the biggest liar on the planet but he just shakes his head like a toddler and goes "UN UH! YOU'RE THE LIAR" and people like you eat it up. All media sources are liars unless they slob all over him. Yall don't want actual freedom of the press, you want state run media. Fox News, Breitbart and OAN give you plenty of it to enjoy.
Come on dude, even your boy Obama was a massive liar. You spent eight years defending him and pissed off at everyone, now you've almost spent four years pissed off at Trump and everyone that shows a tid bit of liking him. When do you realize this shit ain't worth it? No politician is worth the anger and combativeness from either side of the aisle. More than anything, I can't believe you or anyone else actually trusts the government in any way, shape, or form regardless of who is in office.
If they told the American public the truth and were just honest, 80% of the citizens in this country would collapse and die of shock. It's all a game. I thought the movie The Matrix was stupid and nerdy when it came out, basically because I couldn't understand it, but more than ever today do I realize this world we live in is just that, the real world, and the manufactured world we live in and that so many believe in.