| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

I understand this to be there's one small program who have had a few test positive but Michigan is shutting down their entire department (with daily testing.)

At least Whitmer decided she's allowing restaurants and bars to reopen...give those guys something to salve their wounds.
We now have these liberal people running the country. Lord help us because common sense and decency will take a back seat to enabling deprived thinking. It will not be called that. It will be wrapped around softer language so they can feel better about supporting the decisions. The language used will be framed so that you will be viewed as bad (racist, white supremacist etc..) if you disagree.
My wife sister and her husband both got it. She found out they got it from their pastor. Is she live in Delaware.
This is far from shocking, but that doesn't make it any less sad... I know folks love making fun of Alabama's education system, and it's far from where it needs to be, but I'm very thankful that (in my hamlet at least), they have kept the schools open this year.

This is far from shocking, but that doesn't make it any less sad... I know folks love making fun of Alabama's education system, and it's far from where it needs to be, but I'm very thankful that (in my hamlet at least), they have kept the schools open this year.

The mental impact of isolation is happening in the all age groups. I can hear it in peoples voices as I interact with them. It is very difficult for the elderly also.
I had the virus. Lost energy for a day, scratchy throat for two days, no fever, lost taste and smell, but feel normal. Guess I was on the side that did not have their life altered. I was out installing our privacy fence during it all, so even the lack of energy didn't put me down.
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Did you ever think when you eat Chinese,
It ain’t pork or chicken but a fat siamese?
Yet the food tastes great, so you don’t complain.
But that’s not chicken in your chicken chow mein.

Seems to me I ordered sweet-and-sour pork
But Garfield’s on my fork.
He’s purrin’ here on my fork.

There’s a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon,
The place that I eat every day at noon.
They can feed you cat and you’ll never know,
Once they wrap it up in dough, boy.
They fry it real crisp in dough.
Did you ever think when you eat Chinese,
It ain’t pork or chicken but a fat siamese?
Yet the food tastes great, so you don’t complain.
But that’s not chicken in your chicken chow mein.

Seems to me I ordered sweet-and-sour pork
But Garfield’s on my fork.
He’s purrin’ here on my fork.

There’s a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon,
The place that I eat every day at noon.
They can feed you cat and you’ll never know,
Once they wrap it up in dough, boy.
They fry it real crisp in dough.

It's one of our favorites, governor.
The "March sadness" bullshit is already starting up again. It's expected that the Olympics, which were already postponed to this year from last year, are going to get nixed altogether this time. That's how it all started last year. Bye bye NCAA tournament, again?
I just got back from Costco in Bham. Last week there was an entire side wall, floor to ceiling, stacked with TP. Today was a different story with no TP anywhere. The checkout lanes were beyond long. Took me 25 minutes just to checkout. It was also hard to find a parking spot. Folks were generally behaved with just a few folks acting up.

The Walmart Neighborhood store not far from where I live stays covered up just like shopping just before Thanksgiving and Christmas. CV19 has folks in panic mode like I have never seen.
Is this really an issue? No. Not around here. I was in a half of a dozen stores yesterday and saw free masks in three of them (without looking.)

There is a dynamic that I have learned over the years with many so called leaders, it is more about show than substance. They need to give the perception of leadership and progress so they pick on some nice little themes that play well on TV. This seems like one of those. I would say this describes most politicians and leaders today honestly which is not real leadership but a facade.
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