| FTBL Croyle Ready To Start

Good to hear they are going to give him a chance to win the job. But he seams to think he needs more time and that should be respected by the Chiefs also he should fit in good with Edwards offensives because he's teams are alot like Shula's he could take Peyton Manning and make him look bad I feel like Edwards is not a real good offensive coach but maybe I'm wrong
Frankly, I'm a little surprised Croyle is competing for the starting job in just his second year. But he was drafted by a team needing a QB...they wanted him and feel confident he will do well. I sure hope he does. We haven't had a successful NFL QB from Bama in quite some time.

Good luck Brodie!
Denny Chimes said:
Frankly, I'm a little surprised Croyle is competing for the starting job in just his second year. But he was drafted by a team needing a QB...they wanted him and feel confident he will do well. I sure hope he does. We haven't had a successful NFL QB from Bama in quite some time.

Good luck Brodie!

What he said.
In my eyes this is a wait and see. I'm with BD...If I spoke I would be negative. I'm behind him 100% though...because he's a Bama Alum.
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