I am usually just an observer of this board and very rarely post, as you can see, but there comes a time when I can't be silent anymore. I have been a Shula defender to my brother-in-law for four years. But I have to tell you that I can't keep using the same excuses, "they're a young team, sanctions hurt us, injuries hurt us, etc." Alabama has all the talent in the world there and all the possibility there, there is just one thing missing, an Offensive Coach. You can't keep calling Darby up the middle, when he has ran the ball 11 times for 9 yards, any idiot can see that this is not working. When Jimmy Johns has the ball he makes things happen. And why should we have listened to the preseason jerks saying that Bama should only have a 7-5 season or what ever the crap the record we should have. We make our own fate and we should be 8-0 right now. I know most of you are saying what the !!!!!!! But think about it Bama truely did have the opportunity to be 8-0 right now! CMS needs to wake up and see his offense IS NOT WORKING Red zone stats show this (6th worst in the NATION) after today probably THE WORST IN THE NATION
Thank you for letting me vent. Please don't think I am Shula Bashing, I think he is a beautiful face for Alabama football, but lets get real and hire an OC to make the calls and leave the commercials and PR to Mike Shula.