| FTBL caption this shot of Richt

georgiapeach said:
Do you not have anything else better to do than to make fun of a good coach? Mark Richt is a class act and I do not appreciate your insinuations on him. I will pray for you all .Why can you all not act your age? Your team played good last night and won and that is that but we still have a good ball team and we will see you in Atlanta for Sec count on it .


I'm sorry if I upset you. This thread was nothing more than some "funning," that's all. Most folks on this board have no ill will toward Coach Richt.

I have rival friends who love to rib each other with stuff like this.

Again, I apologize, but I also understand the same stuff would be going on about Coach Saban if the game had went the other way. Would you care to see some of the email I received and saved from a Georgia buddy after last year's game? I just haven't returned the favor 'cause I realize we could be facing Georgia again in Atlanta.

Try not to take this thread so serious; I don't think anyone was being malicious with their comments.
georgiapeach said:
Scrollins and Big Fan that is just it , I do not frequent those classless Georgia boards. What they say and do does not reflect my character or most other Bulldog fans. Does that show class to make fun of him on this board even if you consider it mild? This board has class and I do not want to see it diminish. I am not bitter over the loss and wish Bama the best. It would be nice to meet in the SEC championship. That would reflect success for both teams. Coach Richt is a friend who prays for my physical illness on on a daily basis. Anyone would and should take up for a friend that prays for them. Coach Richt and Coach Saban have class and should not be made fun of. God Bless

Well, Miss Carla here is some of your fan base enjoy perphas you should pray for them instead of us. THAT would be my advice.



Love the part where he says God bless that man then starts his rant what a retard!

We've fallen and we can't get up, the
Tide has knocked us down and they wont let up !
In regards to that message board, I don't know how people can say the things they do about Bear Bryant. You might not have liked him as a coach, but putting football aside, the man is dead. That seems to be a thing that all rival teams wanna say/do. ;scr
georgiapeach said:
Do you not have anything else better to do than to make fun of a good coach? Mark Richt is a class act and I do not appreciate your insinuations on him. I will pray for you all .Why can you all not act your age? Your team played good last night and won and that is that but we still have a good ball team and we will see you in Atlanta for Sec count on it .

Hey, ease up. It's all in good fun. Richt is a good coach. However I have little to no respect for any coach or team that prides itself on trying to "1-up" the opposition by using gimmicks or tasteless TD celebrations. :roll:
weezyfbaby00 said:
In regards to that message board, I don't know how people can say the things they do about Bear Bryant. You might not have liked him as a coach, but putting football aside, the man is dead. That seems to be a thing that all rival teams wanna say/do. ;scr

Funny were the ones living in the past remember! :shock:

All joking aside it's just wrong to say what those guys did. Even with the win most of us are humbled to be where we are. You see even the post about Mark no one cussed or made a bad joke about him,his team, or wife. Which can't be said for other sites. I know not all fans are the same, but seems the majorty of the dogs fans (from the boards I read) are just way out of line.
georgiapeach said:
Do you not have anything else better to do than to make fun of a good coach? Mark Richt is a class act and I do not appreciate your insinuations on him. I will pray for you all .Why can you all not act your age? Your team played good last night and won and that is that but we still have a good ball team and we will see you in Atlanta for Sec count on it .

You LOST. *neener neener neener*
BamaDevO said:

"Hmmmm...maybe mocking Coach Saban and that crazy strength and conditioning coach isn't the best thing I have done all year. Wait...maybe I shouldn't call him crazy, he isn't around is he...Head Coach to Booth, you don't happen to see Scott Cochran anywhere do you?" :D
What? Why can't we all just do the Crank Dat "Superman that Ho" dance again? I wanna do it, I wanna do it, we win when we dance.

Fine then, how about if we actually make it to 'Bama's side of the field, I send the whole team out on the field to celebrate. That will get in their heads and we will win.
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