| FTBL Built-in excuse



equals==THE Ohio State University.

What a joke. Being the best team in a lousy conference doesn't qualify you for prime time. Check out all the MAC, WAC, and Con-USA leaders over the past several years for verification on that.

I got money though, that the media plays the Beanie (sp??) Wells card by Monday morning. Most of us here would probably agree that Wells would have made little difference, but they (ESPN and the media machine) love 'em some Buckeyes don't they.

I said it in the pre-season and I'll say it again; bringing back a ton of starters from a team doesn't amount to a hill of beans when that team is slow and can't compete with the college elite. All OSU is doing is bringing back a bunch of slow, inadequate players from an inaqequate team that got their asses handed to them on national television for two years in a row. How were we to beleive they'd be any different this season?

Sorry, but I'm a USC fan for a few more minutes tonight.

porkchop said:
equals==THE Ohio State University.

I got money though, that the media plays the Beanie (sp??) Wells card by Monday morning. Most of us here would probably agree that Wells would have made little difference, but they (ESPN and the media machine) love 'em some Buckeyes don't they.

Sorry, but I'm a USC fan for a few more minutes tonight.


Calm down "White Meat" :D

Your right Pork every year OSU is pushed along
with USC and the other media darlings. You put any
of those teams in the SEC and they'll carry a couple
of losses a year
GeorgiaTider said:
I am guessing we won't see tOSU in the BCSCG this year. On a seperate note... who else is thankful Michigan got RR instead of us?

He needs to get his players.

I am having the same kind of warm fuzzy feeling about RR Michigan losing with RR at the helm, that I did when Fran was at TAMU.

The fact that we appear to be on the road back makes it that much better.
the_rolltide said:
WE are now : THE University of (in) ALABAMA!!!

3-0 baby!!!!!!

WE do not need a generic word in front of our name when describing our outstanding university.

As I said in chat, OSU uses a generic word to describe a generic team.
ghice said:
the_rolltide said:
WE are now : THE University of (in) ALABAMA!!!

3-0 baby!!!!!!

WE do not need a generic word in front of our name when describing our outstanding university.

As I said in chat, OSU uses a generic word to describe a generic team.


:D :D :D
the outcome of that game is about what i expected. i don't believe a true championship team hinges on just one player. there has to be talent through out the whole team plus reserve talent if a big contributor gets hurt. we can all see the development at alabama and with that said number 13 is not that far away!
What does USC's win over OSU really say?

Sure, USC could have beaten Ohio State even worse than they did. Sure, USC does have a lot of talent. And, certainly, everyone in the sports media will be firmly onboard the USC bandwagon after last nights game.

But, Ohio State has only beaten Youngstown State and Ohio. They were played fairly evenly by Ohio. Is it possible that the mighty sports media gave OSU way too much credit heading into the USC game? If so, how good IS USC....really?
AFF said:
What does USC's win over OSU really say?

Sure, USC could have beaten Ohio State even worse than they did. Sure, USC does have a lot of talent. And, certainly, everyone in the sports media will be firmly onboard the USC bandwagon after last nights game.

But, Ohio State has only beaten Youngstown State and Ohio. They were played fairly evenly by Ohio. Is it possible that the mighty sports media gave OSU way too much credit heading into the USC game? If so, how good IS USC....really?

No better than any team playing a scub team. OSU is so overrated year in and year out. It says to me USC is a good soild team. Just like many we see everyday, they can be beat. Really who has USC played...?
You watch, Po'chop. All the media folks who have been hyping and loving on the Buckeyes will now be jumping on the Penn State bandwagon

If the Nittany Lions keep winning and putting up the offensive scores that they have the past three weeks, you'll see them catapult on up the polls.

Of course, you'll also be getting a double-dose of Beano Cook talking about how great PSU is.
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