| NEWS BREAKING: California will allow college athletes to profit from endorsements under bill signed this morning by Gov. Gavin Newsom

So if he came from a modest to wealthy background it somehow discredits him? It ain't all poor kids wanting to get paid, sport. And news for all of y'all, they're getting paid in one way shape or form whether it is breaking NCAA rules or not. Those $100 hand shakes aren't going to the 3rd and 4th string guys.

Yes and no. If you are someone who comes from a wealthy family - which he was despite Terry's hilarious assertion - and don't know the struggles of those that came from much worse (I have literally known high school players that were homeless staying with friends families) and then you come out with your holier-than-thou take of it's "being selfish" to think you should be able to make some of those billions of dollars these schools make on their likeness, then yes it discredits you. If you are someone that comes from a wealthy family and are willing and able to look at things from a different viewpoint, then no you aren't discrediting. I would have been perfectly fine if he gave his take and just said that it should be about getting an education, pride in your school, blah blah blah but he is the one that brought the silly selfishness mess.
Yes and no. If you are someone who comes from a wealthy family - which he was despite Terry's hilarious assertion - and don't know the struggles of those that came from much worse (I have literally known high school players that were homeless staying with friends families) and then you come out with your holier-than-thou take of it's "being selfish" to think you should be able to make some of those billions of dollars these schools make on their likeness, then yes it discredits you. If you are someone that comes from a wealthy family and are willing and able to look at things from a different viewpoint, then no you aren't discrediting. I would have been perfectly fine if he gave his take and just said that it should be about getting an education, pride in your school, blah blah blah but he is the one that brought the silly selfishness mess.

But it is selfishness. Hell, the NFL is nothing but pure selfishness. It's going the way of WWE, where it's only about the money and almost has a scripted feeling. The NFL sucks, the product is garbage. The only reason it has the viewership is because I bet 90% their fans that prefer them to college football didn't go to college and don't have any allegiance. Not one damn player gives an eff about anyone other than theirselves. Team? Please.

And by the way, just because Tebow lived in a house and had supportive parents does not mean he is wealthy. Very rarely are you seeing wealthy kids in athletics. It's rare to be wealthy in America anyways, so the small percentage that actually make it to college athletics has to be an even smaller micro percentage that are wealthy too.
OK but due to Title 9 - Don't the universities have to basically give the ladies just as much $ as the fellas? Meaning that yes SOME dudes earn money for the univeristy and could be compensated... But by law, don't you have to do the same for the women? (I could be inaccurate there)

I do find it frustrating and interesting that so many people are acting like colleges are just rolling in $$$ from all of these individual athletes. There are so few that aren't interchangeable and would actually make more $ than their scholarship as an individual talent. Think of how many teams and players there are and how many you would buy a jersey, individually pay to see, etc. Keep in mind there are like 10 (maybe) athletic departments that actually make $ every year because the scholarships are freaking expensive, the travel and recruiting budgets are huge, and so much dead $$$$ in every other sport but mens basketball. The argument has been blown out of proportion IMO... And even though I have no issues with finding a way for kids to make $ while playing their sport, I just don't see how it can be legally and fairly (loose term) done.
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Yes and no. If you are someone who comes from a wealthy family - which he was despite Terry's hilarious assertion - and don't know the struggles of those that came from much worse (I have literally known high school players that were homeless staying with friends families) and then you come out with your holier-than-thou take of it's "being selfish" to think you should be able to make some of those billions of dollars these schools make on their likeness, then yes it discredits you.
So, it's your argument that because some other families aren't as comfortable as the Tebow's, they are now wealthy. They were not, Josh. You're talking about something here you're ill-prepared to speak on.

If you want to discuss opinions that are discredited, perhaps we should start with your own which is, and has been, heavily skewered by what I'll call an"anti-religion" stance. I've seen you scoff and jeer at folks who hold their faith dearly. That fact you don't respect what they believe gives you no room to call anyone "holier than thou."

If you want to make a comparison between how comfortable a family of missionaries from an Independent Baptist group are when compared to others from the SBC? You've got something to discuss. There is a difference.

Categorically, without basis, calling his family "wealthy" in an effort to discredit his opinion is not only categorically wrong, it's intellectually dishonest.

I cannot wait to see what these guys do when that income tax bill hits. How many bankrupt college football players will we hear about in ten years? They going to hire managers or agents to help them sort out the legal side of it all? I'm 100% positive 95% of them don't have parents that could help them with this part of it, and we all know college kids aren't known for being very responsible, so on top of school, athletics, travel, and everything else, I cannot wait to see what a bigger tax issue this causes, especially when they cross state lines. I see a new 30 For 30 coming.
I cannot wait to see what these guys do when that income tax bill hits. How many bankrupt college football players will we hear about in ten years? They going to hire managers or agents to help them sort out the legal side of it all? I'm 100% positive 95% of them don't have parents that could help them with this part of it, and we all know college kids aren't known for being very responsible, so on top of school, athletics, travel, and everything else, I cannot wait to see what a bigger tax issue this causes, especially when they cross state lines. I see a new 30 For 30 coming.

Wow. Cynical much

The Cali bill actually allows for the hiring of an agent

You are "100% positive that 95% of these guys have parents that can't help them manage money"?

Wow. I wasn't aware that being an athlete meant your parents are shitty at finances

You sound almost hopeful that this fails

Wow. Cynical much

The Cali bill actually allows for the hiring of an agent

You are "100% positive that 95% of these guys have parents that can't help them manage money"?

Wow. I wasn't aware that being an athlete meant your parents are shitty at finances

You sound almost hopeful that this fails


Have you simply been on another planet the last thirty years or just refused to acknowledge the problem with athletes and finance, or hell, just the public in general with finance. Ever seen "Broke" or any other documentary about how most professional athletes end up broke, and it's usually their lavish spending and their own families that are the reason? So, yes, very cynical that an 18-22 year old, as a majority can handle what an 18-40 year old in the same industry hasn't really shown they can handle.

It's not that I hope it fails, it's just I believe it never should have been implemented in the first place.

I'll also add that I'm pretty sure 99% of the people on this board aren't doing their taxes correctly either. And by that I mean they aren't taking all of the benefits they deserve and/or are cheating the system and hiding income in some way shape or form.

And on top of everything else I have said, all this is is a way for California to generate more tax revenue so their politicians can get them out of the hole that they inevitably put them in. Anyone is foolish to believe that California is actually caring for their athletes, and not just political gain.
another planet the last thirty years or just refused to acknowledge the problem with athletes and finance, or hell, just the public in general with finance. Ever seen "Broke" or any other documentary about how most professional athletes end up broke, and

So your take is nobody can manage money so don’t let these guys make any of the money generated by their performances?

They are responsible enough to entertain me and responsible enough to wear the colors of their school and I see folks every day on here and other places demanding perfection from them (as they entertain us) in their football responsibilities. They are responsible enough to vote. Responsible enough to join military. Hey I understand. Fans love it the way it is and don’t want it to change. Bad news. It has already changed. There are countries that don’t make what the CFB machine makes but the folks who are actually performing don’t deserve a cut because they are irresponsible?

I will stay with cynical
Questions I would have would be 1) who will control outside influence on who gets endorsements and who doesn't? 2)wouldn't it become a very slippery slope when it comes to differentiating between going to a school where you stood a better chance at endorsements vs being paid to go to a certain school which the NCAA frowns upon? 3) I remember being an 18-21 year old. Most of us were not very good at money management. It would also be very likely that overly trusting players could depend on people who they thought were serving in the players best interest only to find that these "handlers" are at the very least stealing money
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So your take is nobody can manage money so don’t let these guys make any of the money generated by their performances?

They are responsible enough to entertain me and responsible enough to wear the colors of their school and I see folks every day on here and other places demanding perfection from them (as they entertain us) in their football responsibilities. They are responsible enough to vote. Responsible enough to join military. Hey I understand. Fans love it the way it is and don’t want it to change. Bad news. It has already changed. There are countries that don’t make what the CFB machine makes but the folks who are actually performing don’t deserve a cut because they are irresponsible?

I will stay with cynical

Wow, your whole take is comical. A drunk could entertain you, so what is your point?

I never said none of them are responsible, but once again your arrogant point of view against my opinion leaves you open for major criticism. It is proven very few of them are fiscally responsible. FACTS! Sure, they entertain us, but so can MANY others. And those in the military you speak of are being handled by responsible adults that are trained and combat proven, not necessarily out for their own financial or personal gain. So no need for you to compare agents to generals and colonals. Anyways, I stand by what I say, I stand by the facts,and I stand by a lot of others that think along the same lines as me. So until you offer substance other than "well,well, well" or "we should just let it happen", then just move on sport.
My take is this, if a 5 star player gets endorsements and/or eventually gets paid then why should they get a scholarship and housing and food and equipment. This has the potential of being the beginning of the end.

OK, I bet the state of AL can have one out by the end of the week. Maybe the only thing our state government could get done quick, to fight anything that threatens the Bama and AU recruiting.
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