| NEWS BREAKING: California will allow college athletes to profit from endorsements under bill signed this morning by Gov. Gavin Newsom

That is my thinking, names will be removed from jerseys as a result if this moves forward.

I doubt it. The jerseys they sell already dont have names on them. It's a pretty scummy way to make money off of the players themselves IMO. I mean I guess it's just coincidence that the #8 jersey was suddenly the main one you saw Alabama sell when Julio was here or #10 when AJ was here or #2 when Henry was here...
I doubt it. The jerseys they sell already dont have names on them. It's a pretty scummy way to make money off of the players themselves IMO. I mean I guess it's just coincidence that the #8 jersey was suddenly the main one you saw Alabama sell when Julio was here or #10 when AJ was here or #2 when Henry was here...

I'm talking game jerseys.
Hey, this boils down to a desparation move (among other things...) so that the PAC12 can be relevant again. :)
Now USC, UCLA, CAL, and maybe STANFORD can get back in the game by allowing their players to make a lot of money while playing for their school and it won't have to be under the table....
I am for some form of compensation for likeness. All athletes in other venues, outside the NCAA, can make money off their likeness. This does not mean every scholarship athlete makes a bunch of new money. Just put money for their jerseys sold, during their time on campus, into a trust(they get this when their eligibility runs out or they graduate). Also let all athletes have a one time, per year, autograph session, where they can make like $5 per signature, which goes into their trust. For things like NCAA Football 2020, let each player get 200 put into a trust(paid by EA) and the cover player gets 5000 put into a trust.

I 100000% agree with Tebow. Our culture now is so selfish and cares about "getting dat money" that they would sell their own momma's into slavery to have it. We actually see it almost daily where kids are sold for drugs and cash so their parents can get their fix. College football is about the pageantry, the history, the legacies, your first years as an adult and the best times of your life, the memories, and even the education at one point. I don't place 100% of the blame on that one guy that started this, because you got a bunch of greedy executives that pushed the envelope to squeeze everything they could out of these athletes in efforts of lining their own pockets. The whole system just needs to be given a big fuck you reset and brought back to reality. These lights we added at our stadium, barber shops, the arcades, slides, all that other crap you see at every school that was driven by the greed of these executives just needs to be stopped. All it is is chest thumping, "hey, we got more than the other guys, come to us". Whatever happened to a killer weight room, great medical staff, and the swag clothing perks given to the athletes of their respective sport? That's all that is needed, but the greedy AD's, conference execs, and television executives threw a bunch of money at it and ruined it all. Now we have what we have with the athletes threatening to quit, not finishing the season, going overseas to play until they are eligible. it's all becoming a massive ass joke.

Yup... what he said...

I hear all the time that these kids are not getting anything in return.

They are getting a free ride and college isn't cheap. Even if you want to go beyond that.... how much would it cost to get private coaching from the likes of Saban and staff? If your goal isn't to get a degree and instead you only want to make the NFL, how valuable is the coaching from the staff on field and off?

I was a college athlete under scholarship at the University of Alabama... I don't feel sorry for these athlete's in the least. They are taken well care of in so many ways that the normal college student could NEVER afford.

Hey, you want to make money off your likeness, you have an option. DON'T go to college and for 3 years pay for a trainer to get you ready for the NFL draft and market yourself to Nike and the likes to make money... if you think your likeness is that valuable. Let's face it, these kids likenesses are valuable ONLY because they play for Bama or UGA or Texas and these UNIVERSITIES have rabid fans that will pay $$$$ for that stuff. But those fans are fans of the UNIVERSITY. I mean, I love me some Jalen, but I'm not buying an Oklahoma Jersey with his name on it.
One of the few times I'll find myself agreeing with Danny. I figured it was coming as well and pretty well guessed who we'd see at the forefront.

Ya know, I can't begin to quantify my amusement here ... here's a guy speaking on the subject that's worn the shoes, hoe'd the row, and been through the process. Yet, we have guys who have never had a hand in the dirt telling Tim how he's wrong about something they've not experienced.

My opinion here ... a guy like Marcus Spears taking a different stance than Tebow. He has a platform. He's not creating his own because he can string some sentences together.

Truly spoken like a person that came from a wealthy family.

So if he came from a modest to wealthy background it somehow discredits him? It ain't all poor kids wanting to get paid, sport. And news for all of y'all, they're getting paid in one way shape or form whether it is breaking NCAA rules or not. Those $100 hand shakes aren't going to the 3rd and 4th string guys.
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