| FTBL Be honest, how many of you saw these two things coming . . .

bear facts

Verified Member
back on October 20th after Bama waxed Tennessee 41-17 and the Vols were sitting at 4-3:

That Tennessee would win 5 games straight and be playing in the SECCG.

That Alabama would lose 4 games in a row and probably would be "bowling" in Shreveport or one of the Tennessee cities.

I know I never "thunk" such things back on that wonderful Saturday afternoon that now seems like another season ago.

You've got to give UT some credit for the way they have handled the situation:

If anyone says that they saw that one coming, I want them to pic my lottery numbers next week.
If Tennessee's Coach 'Fill' Fulmer were to fly on Southwest Airlines, wouldn't he have to pay for two seats instead of one?
After the LSU and MSU games I knew we were in trouble. I even posted here, but because of the thick glasses of crimson most wear they can't see nothing more than the gory bound days of a bye gone era.

I just didn't know how bad the team was doing until now. We have lost 4/6 (to barn) in a row tis sad times, but all one can do is hold the faith. Pray that the tide will rise again.
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