| FTBL Avatar Trickery



You know, this isn't as big of a deal as it is just a frustrating deal. This board has set this ridiculous size limit for posters on avatar size, of 9kb, yet hardly anyone but new posters are limited by that.

Here I am, with a thousand avatars I could use that are pretty sharp but there is no way in the world to get them down to 9kb. There are some that can be made into .gifs to get them lower, but on many it destroys the quality.

I am all for following board rules but it seems like the rules should apply to everyone or it doesn't seem fair.

In just a short five minute span, I saw users with these size avatars:

CrimsnKentucky - 67KB

ghice - 39KB

tider27 45KB

shiloh - 25KB

Kudzu 22KB

bamafan850 45KB

Mr LE Phant 21KB

I could spend another five minutes and find that many again, I am sure. In fact, all of these posters aren't established posters here, some are new posters.

So what gives? Why the preferential treatment for some and not for others? Wouldn't it be proper to simply give everyone a limit, say 20KB, that could be worked with? As far as I know, there isn't a sports board on the Internet that has a miniscule 9KB limit for it's posters, and this one only has the 9KB limit for certain posters.
Fixed it. But it doesn't matter if it was the right size for a avatar, it would still auto shrink it down to look like crap.
CAD, I remember there is a little trick. All you do is upload your AV at imageshack: www.imageshack.us and copy the direct link. Then put it in the upload av by URL, it's one of those two...just try both to see which works. If I remember it shrinks them down to necessary pixels, but keeps the size. :wink:
Bama1966 said:
As long as it doesnt go beyond 100x100 pixels it doesnt matter what the KB size is. The 100x100 pixel is pretty much standard for all boards.

Those with preferential treatment are alloted a 102x102 size however...
Bama1966 said:
As long as it doesnt go beyond 100x100 pixels it doesnt matter what the KB size is. The 100x100 pixel is pretty much standard for all boards.

Not so, I keep mine 100x100 or smaller and if the size is 9.1KB it doesn't allow me to upload. A message appears saying it must be 9KB.
CtrlAltieDel said:
Bama1966 said:
As long as it doesnt go beyond 100x100 pixels it doesnt matter what the KB size is. The 100x100 pixel is pretty much standard for all boards.

Not so, I keep mine 100x100 or smaller and if the size is 9.1KB it doesn't allow me to upload. A message appears saying it must be 9KB.

Send me the avtar through PM, using attachments and let me see what I can do with it.
Tider27 said:
CAD, I remember there is a little trick. All you do is upload your AV at imageshack: www.imageshack.us and copy the direct link. Then put it in the upload av by URL, it's one of those two...just try both to see which works. If I remember it shrinks them down to necessary pixels, but keeps the size. :wink:

Thank you very much, Tider27. It worked fine. I did what you suggested. I am linking it off of Photobucket instead of ImageShack, still worked.

I had only tried the "upload from your harddrive" option and when done that way, I suppose that rolltidebama has to host the avatar.

When they don't host it, it seems it can be any size, KB wise, that you wish.

That is good to know, it opens up lots more possibilities for me.

Bama1966 said:
Send me the avtar through PM, using attachments and let me see what I can do with it.

Bama1966, I found out the way that everyone else seems to be using. Instead of uploading from my machine, I am now hosting the avatar off site at Photobucket, I am happy now.

It was just a bit frustrating not knowing what the trick was.
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