🌎 August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse

Ended up taking 8 of the 10 glasses with me to work. Huge hit.

Best photo I took with the glasses in front of my Samsung Note 4.


This was pretty cool, standing under a tree, the leaves reflect was crescent shaped - I didn't expect this.


Check out the shadows when you put your hands together...

Well, it was awesome. I can't describe the feeling of seeing the sun go dark. The ambient temperature dropped 12 degrees total. It was a hot day with the temperature at 90 degrees at noon where we were. It gradually got cooler and was comfortable for about middle half of the approximately 3 hours. As totality got closer, the shadows got very crisp with sharp edges. I posted some of my "better" shots on my FB page if you'd like to see them. Better is a relative term of course. Don't expect @doemasters quality. Some may ask "why is the sun white instead of orange?" I bought a filter that makes the sun look white instead of orange because I hate orange.

@planomateo, we had perfect weather in middle Tennessee, as your cloud cover photo shows. I'm so glad we changed locations.

Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 | Facebook
Well, it was awesome. I can't describe the feeling of seeing the sun go dark. The ambient temperature dropped 12 degrees total. It was a hot day with the temperature at 90 degrees at noon where we were. It gradually got cooler and was comfortable for about middle half of the approximately 3 hours. As totality got closer, the shadows got very crisp with sharp edges. I posted some of my "better" shots on my FB page if you'd like to see them. Better is a relative term of course. Don't expect @doemasters quality. Some may ask "why is the sun white instead of orange?" I bought a filter that makes the sun look white instead of orange because I hate orange.

@planomateo, we had perfect weather in middle Tennessee, as your cloud cover photo shows. I'm so glad we changed locations.

Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 | Facebook

We bounced up to Madisonville, TN yesterday, straight up Hwy 411, no traffic at all. Thousands of people at a park south of town, pretty close to the centerline of totality. It was a great experience, very hot, but like Wayne said it was like the cool of the evening setting in as coverage increased. Cicadas started singing, and during totality we were treated to a 360 degree sunset. This was always on my bucket list, and being able to daytrip it was too good to pass up. We has some scattered clouds building, but absolutely no cloud cover of the sun during the entire experience. We rode the crest of traffic on the way back down, took perhaps an extra 20-25 minutes on the way back. City and county officials did a great job managing traffic.


It's cool to see the places where consecutive eclipses intersect. Looks like Carbondale, IL is the winner next time. Greenville, AL or thereabouts will get two later this century. A spot in Mexico just south of Corpus Christi will get three!

My wife was super excited about all of that and it ended up being so cloudy in both Troy (where she works) and Enterprise (where I work) that neither of us saw anything.
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