🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 As a side note (RE: The Chinese balloon.)

I would put AOC in the group too.... Hunter laptop is half fake? what the hell does that mean? The other half is half real? Also, big on getting rid of gas cooking, but it's o.k. she uses gas to cook because she rents.... Ole Abe was right "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
Walker County translations: People think you're a dumbass and then you go and run your mouth and remove all doubt. :p
AOC is far more intelligent than any of those people which is saying something because she isn’t highly intelligent on some things
You have to be careful when talking about her. It's obvious to Democrats that anyone who says she isn't probably the most brilliant legislator ever, and possibly the most brilliant person ever, is just a sexist, Republican, Nazi. Yes, she graduated Cum Laude but that means little when you hear her speak about certain things.
I'm good, I don't use gas to cook because I don't rent, but Republican? Now you're taking it too far... I'm offended. :p;):laugh:
Your right, that ain't saying much. But I'll disagree on "far more" intelligent because she proves otherwise when she talks or maybe she's so smart, she knows she has to speak down to their level. 😬
Some subjects I think she’s uneducated in (which one would think to keep quiet about), but she’s FAR more intelligent than Boebert. Talking to Boebert even my 4 yr old nephew would have to dumb shit down for her to grasp
Some subjects I think she’s uneducated in (which one would think to keep quiet about), but she’s FAR more intelligent than Boebert. Talking to Boebert even my 4 yr old nephew would have to dumb shit down for her to grasp
Just proves you don't need intelligence to be a politician. I'm afraid I would be vastly overqualified. ;) ;)
Heh, uneducated.....translation = dumbass. :p
You can think it’s lazy, but that’s basically what you and several people in this comment section are doing, no matter what Biden or any other democrat does or says you’re going to disagree & everything the right says or does is going to be right, so it’s basically Biden bad, repubs good.
Oh, it's lazy alright. "I'm aligning with Republicans in this thread" when the only comment I've had about a Republican was the joke about MTG. How's that work, exactly? You've literally looped me in a group that I'm not a part of in an attempt to make a point just because we agree some of Biden's policy decisions are a mistake. In my view, this is an example of identity politics—disingenuous at best.

I’m not going to keep going back and forth on the permits, the info is widely available as to how many unused permits there are other than to say when Velveeta Voldemort was in office there were thousands of unused permits what’s the excuse for that? His restrictive stance on O&G?
"The info is widely available" and yet you chose to use the 9000 figure when it's false.

"The info is widely available" covering Biden's executive order canceling the permit for the Keystone pipeline but you're question "restrictive?" Can we use the word "suspend" analogously with restrictive in regard to new leases? :D
As for your O&G exec I would say you made record profits for two years in a row, so do what ConocoPhillips is doing and invest in renewable energy and O&G instead of fattening your pockets, you and I both know the President isn’t going to “destroy” your industry, so use some common sense.
It's funny how you're bringing this back to credibility now calling what Biden's said about fossil fuels false. Essentially you're saying all his rhetoric about the fossil fuel industry has been lies.
Oh, it's lazy alright. "I'm aligning with Republicans in this thread" when the only comment I've had about a Republican was the joke about MTG. How's that work, exactly? You've literally looped me in a group that I'm not a part of in an attempt to make a point just because we agree some of Biden's policy decisions are a mistake. In my view, this is an example of identity politics—disingenuous at best.

"The info is widely available" and yet you chose to use the 9000 figure when it's false.

"The info is widely available" covering Biden's executive order canceling the permit for the Keystone pipeline but you're question "restrictive?" Can we use the word "suspend" analogously with restrictive in regard to new leases? :D

It's funny how you're bringing this back to credibility now calling what Biden's said about fossil fuels false. Essentially you're saying all his rhetoric about the fossil fuel industry has been lies.
I never said “Terry you’re a Repub”, but there’s that old saying if it looks like monkey, acts like a monkey, and smells like monkey then it must be one comes to mind, but I’ve not called you a Repub other than the one debate we were having & I called you right wing and you rightly corrected me. But, in this debate/convo everything you’ve said is pretty much Biden bad, Repub good. If you agree with every policy repubs stand for that we’ve discussed how’s one to describe you?

I did use the 9000 figure you’re right, but I also corrected myself and gave an estimate which is widely available hence why I used it.

The keystone pipeline wasn’t our oil and never was going to be, it was a pipeline for Canadian oil from Alberta, that has zero to do with our energy independence you know that thing y’all like to harp on. So riddle me this….how does saying no to a pipeline used to move Canadian oil hurt our energy independence?

Curious will Biden be President in 10 years? Because just the other night (during the SOTU) he said “we’re going to need fossil fuels for the next 10 years and longer”, so again I would say to the exec “use common sense”
AOC is far more intelligent than any of those people which is saying something because she isn’t highly intelligent on some things
She's certainly brighter than many on both sides of the aisle. The scary thing is that very few of them know enough to develop a cohesive strategy or craft effective legislation on even one topic. Staffers develop some of it, but many staffers simply take it straight from lobbyists for/against right and left issues. That's even more true on the state level.

We all have areas of expertise. When you hear a politician weigh in on a subject, industry or discipline you're well-versed in, all you can do is cringe and realize the blessing of inaction. That's what really cracks me up when I hear about these conspiracy theories of well-coordinated international cabals with secret plans, always on the verge of being sprung on an unsuspecting populace (both those who are bent on destruction and salvation). You can't get a local school board to agree on anything. It's impossible - IMPOSSIBLE - for these conspiracies to be true. Wish it were true that every miscreant was about to caught up in an international dragnet/storm of righteousness. Then again, I'm glad we're not on the cusp of civil war/martial law/mark of the beast/other horrible developments.
The keystone pipeline wasn’t our oil and never was going to be, it was a pipeline for Canadian oil from Alberta, that has zero to do with our energy independence you know that thing y’all like to harp on. So riddle me this….how does saying no to a pipeline used to move Canadian oil hurt our energy independence?
This part isn't entirely true, by a long shot. It was to transport both Canadian oil along with ND and MT crude that continues to be sent by railcar, which is more expensive and far less safe. Killing it was a huge boost to the railcar leasing business.
This part isn't entirely true, by a long shot. It was to transport both Canadian oil along with ND and MT crude that continues to be sent by railcar, which is more expensive and far less safe. Killing it was a huge boost to the railcar leasing business.
It was owned by TC Energy a Canadian company and the primary use for the XL was to move oil from the tar sands of Alberta (880,000 bbls/day) and in ND and MT it was only going to move the oil owned by TC Energy, Canadian owned oil doesn’t help us at all
It was owned by TC Energy a Canadian company and the primary use for the XL was to move oil from the tar sands of Alberta (880,000 bbls/day) and in ND and MT it was only going to move the oil owned by TC Energy, Canadian owned oil doesn’t help us at all
I'm not certain it was only for TC Energy-owned U.S. production. That would very rare for an exclusive-use pipeline, but U.S. production is U.S. production, whether it's a small U.S. company, a U.S. company like Texaco, or foreign companies like TC Energy, Shell or BP. Foreign-owned U.S. production does indeed help us compared to imports.
It was owned by TC Energy a Canadian company and the primary use for the XL was to move oil from the tar sands of Alberta (880,000 bbls/day) and in ND and MT it was only going to move the oil owned by TC Energy, Canadian owned oil doesn’t help us at all
It would help immediately. It's Econ 101; the futures market.
I'm not certain it was only for TC Energy-owned U.S. production. That would very rare for an exclusive-use pipeline, but U.S. production is U.S. production, whether it's a small U.S. company, a U.S. company like Texaco, or foreign companies like TC Energy, Shell or BP. Foreign-owned U.S. production does indeed help us compared to imports.
Admittedly I had to read who owned it, none of the things I read mentioned any other company, but that doesn’t mean anything.
Canadian oil helps the US….my Econ degree has failed me apparently
Your comment indicates a fundamental lack of understanding markets; supply, demand, and the futures.

Here's an example of this in action. Biden went to Saudi Arabia in an attempt to talk OPEC out of cutting production. Why? Because the prices would go up. He asked them to delay the move until after the mid-terms. Why? He didn't want prices on an upswing going into an election. He has released oil from the oil reserves. That move was intended to ease the cost of gas we're paying. How does that work? There's a greater supply.

Synopsis: A pipeline would have put more oil on the market. More oil, lower prices. The futures market on oil would see more production leading to lower prices.

If you didn't learn these things in high school, the failure of your education came long before any degree. This is, literally, Business 101 as well: rarity equals more value—of everything.
Your comment indicates a fundamental lack of understanding markets; supply, demand, and the futures.

Here's an example of this in action. Biden went to Saudi Arabia in an attempt to talk OPEC out of cutting production. Why? Because the prices would go up. He asked them to delay the move until after the mid-terms. Why? He didn't want prices on an upswing going into an election. He has released oil from the oil reserves. That move was intended to ease the cost of gas we're paying. How does that work? There's a greater supply.

Synopsis: A pipeline would have put more oil on the market. More oil, lower prices. The futures market on oil would see more production leading to lower prices.

If you didn't learn these things in high school, the failure of your education came long before any degree. This is, literally, Business 101 as well: rarity equals more value—of everything.
I know how markets and futures work, thanks though. Just like I know lower gas prices means low price of oil per bbl which equates to less drilling which again would lead the right to bitching. Oil and cattle work the same, low price don’t want to sell, high price makes you want to produce more and sell.

Rarity equals more value- yes I know, but flooding a market doesn’t help that. To your original “it does help the US” it can help us without the need of the XL, the Canadian company floods the market with or without it.
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