| LIFE Any of you guys ever had walking Pneumonia?


I'm beginning to come out of it, I hope, for the third time in my life. Once in Jr. High, once about 15 years ago, and this last bit.

It went from walking, to full blown, Saturday. Like I got kicked in the nose.

Today is the first day since Sunday I've been able to eat. Today is the first time I've able to eat or drink anything and not "expel" that within a matter of minutes.
I'm beginning to come out of it, I hope, for the third time in my life. Once in Jr. High, once about 15 years ago, and this last bit.

It went from walking, to full blown, Saturday. Like I got kicked in the nose.

Today is the first day since Sunday I've been able to eat. Today is the first time I've able to eat or drink anything and not "expel" that within a matter of minutes.
Not walking, but a while back my whole right lung was all most full. But I also had that other thing! It took me a little over a year to just to be able to go out.
Pretty much. I've had Adenoid issues for as long as I remember. It turns my body into a serving fountain with the fluids hitting my stomach.

I'm not sure I know how Adenoid issues effect the body. Pneumonia is super dangerous. I caught some kind of lung infection in Dec 2000. By the time I saw a Doc, the infection had almost ran it's course. I thought I was going to die before Doc visit. Couple of months later, Doc gave me a PFT which showed chronic bronchitis, which several years later has turned into emphysema. I struggle with this.
Terry, I am also just coming out of pneumonia. It hit me hard on Jul 1. I got chills for like 8 hours then chest got progressively more congested. I thought maybe it was a flu bug I got from my 6 yr old grandson. I finally went to Dr last Thursday and took x-ray. Pneumonia in right lung. Finished 6 days of prednisone steroid and felt better but still feel it in my lung. Started 6 days on a strong antibiotic that targets pneumonia today. I already feel better.

It's worth noting that my doctor said they've seen a lot of pneumonia now and recently. Apparently it is going around. Even if it is viral it can turn bacterial so an antibiotic might help regardless. Maybe see your doctor if you don't shake it in a few days.

I also had what they said was "walking pneumonia" 15 or 20 years ago. I recall they put me on oxygen and prescribed antibiotics and steroids. I'm sure that you know this, but they EMPHASIZED that it can and does kill people - so it's nothing to take lightly.

Hope you get better soon.
Terry, I am also just coming out of pneumonia. It hit me hard on Jul 1. I got chills for like 8 hours then chest got progressively more congested. I thought maybe it was a flu bug I got from my 6 yr old grandson. I finally went to Dr last Thursday and took x-ray. Pneumonia in right lung. Finished 6 days of prednisone steroid and felt better but still feel it in my lung. Started 6 days on a strong antibiotic that targets pneumonia today. I already feel better.
I can relate. It first him me a little over a month ago and I thought I'd beaten' it until last weekend.

When I caught GBS back in the mid-80's I was given steroids. I was having a hard enough time dealing with as a Sr. in HS. Add the 'roids? I definitely had 'roid rage.

As soon as I realized what was happening...fluids, Gatorade, multi-vitamins and iron I took some Goldenseal Root along with Ginger Root.
Hope you get better soon.
I'm on my way up...just need to get my strength back. I'm still having a hard time with balance at times.
I guess I'm lucky that I don't remember any of what you guys have gone thought. I only know what I was told by the doctor that saw me in the ER. I was within 24 hours of dying. He told me if I, had come in the next day he would have put me in a corner to let nature take its course. I do know it took over a year to get the rattle sound from my lung.
I had the flu and walking pneumonia when I was like 25. That’s the only time I had either of them. The only thing I did different that year, was getting a “flu” shot. I haven’t had one since, and haven’t had the flu or pneumonia. Coincidence??? Maybe, maybe not.
I had the flu and walking pneumonia when I was like 25. That’s the only time I had either of them. The only thing I did different that year, was getting a “flu” shot. I haven’t had one since, and haven’t had the flu or pneumonia. Coincidence??? Maybe, maybe not.
Loopin' back a bit.

When they started "pushing" the flu vaccine one of the warnings had to deal with GBS. While that may have helped these last few weeks, no damn way I'm going to risk going through that again. (Same with the C-19 shot.)

I had a pharmacist scoff at me one day when I was in CVS because I told her, "I don't trust the flu vaccine." I got that "one shoulder cocked higher than the other, a hip thrown to the side, and a side glance with smirk.


"Your very own warning labels mention GBS. Been there, done that, twice."
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