| FTBL Antonie Caldwell radio interview...

For AC to be working right alongside Johnson and say he's seen him improve more than any other OLman in the last year bodes well for running behind our left side of Andre, Mike and Antoine in the middle.
I'm a huge fan of Caldwell, he is one of my favorites. He seems like a great leader for our team. How is he predicted to go in next year's NFL draft?
weezyfbaby00 said:
I'm a huge fan of Caldwell, he is one of my favorites. He seems like a great leader for our team. How is he predicted to go in next year's NFL draft?

Centers don't find themselves in the first two rounds that often in the draft. That said, Antoine could make his status improve this season but right now their are two other centers in the SEC that will likely go ahead of him: Luigs at Arkansas and McNeil at UT. I'd put Antoine right after those two today.

Maybe the 5th, 6th C taken? That's one of the main reasons he came back for his senior year.
The good thing about Caldwell, he can play C or G very well, that will boost his stock. He stands a very good chance of being selected in the 2nd round (IMO) with a good season, and a good Sr. Bowl week. I don't see him going any later than the middle of the 3rd unless he has an injury issue or something like that.
I know everyone knows him on the field as being a great guy but what he did in the classroom and at work is amazing. Honestly I wish I had the focus he did. Dont see many people that age with the determination he has. No wonder he graduated early.
Porter said:
The good thing about Caldwell, he can play C or G very well, that will boost his stock. He stands a very good chance of being selected in the 2nd round (IMO) with a good season, and a good Sr. Bowl week. I don't see him going any later than the middle of the 3rd unless he has an injury issue or something like that.

Good point.

One of the reasons I look at him as a C on the next level is his "smarts." That's an attribute a lot of NFL GM's, etc. look at when it comes to the C of an NFL line.

Again, I look for a lot of this to come down to how he does this upcoming season at the C position.

Caveat: You won't find me watching the draft to see where he is selected. NFL just isn't my thing...
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