🏈 Another stupid uniform-change survey ...

Which of the following uniform changes would you MOST LIKELY support if it were limited to only one

  • White helmets with the current "Circle A Logo"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • White helmet with a crimson script "A"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crimson helmet with a white script "A"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Add either an old-school or new-school elephant logo somewhere on the helmet or uniforms.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crimson pants with white stripes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A black-out (black pants with crimson stripes, black jerseys with crimson numbers, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Introduce a more modern, non-traditional style similar to Maryland, Miami, or even Oregon. Break tra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This survey is stupid, I'm stupid for doing it, and I'm going to Hell for broaching this blasphemous

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The uniform thing is always the star topic around here in this long offseason, and in my opinion there are not anything to change in our current and traditional uniform. However, I'd like only to see 'Bama playing some games with those white helmets that The Snake Stabler or other standout players wore. Would be something special.

Seems like this discussion comes up year in and year out, and I personally would love to keep the old school helmets that we have had forever, with the number on the side. But if I were going to change anything about the helmet, I would want the script "A" on the side of a helmet. Preferably a crimson helmet with a white "A".
I wouldnt want to see any uniform change. But maybe a throwback game similar to what Oklahoma did.

White helmets with the old long sleeve jersey with numbers on the sleeve and no names on the back.


* This picture is of Pat Trammel in the Sugar Bowl vs Arkansas. But the Downtown Gallery in Tuscaloosa is selling it as a Joe Namath picture. Its called research. :roll:
I voted crimson pants with a white stripe but I would love to see straight out and out crimson pants. I'm sorry, and I know this is not going to be popular, but I have always liked the thought of that. Atleast once, for one game, just to try.

I'll go flame myself now. :(
porkchop said:
I voted crimson pants with a white stripe but I would love to see straight out and out crimson pants. I'm sorry, and I know this is not going to be popular, but I have always liked the thought of that. Atleast once, for one game, just to try.

I'll go flame myself now. :(
I really do understand where folks come from with the uni changes. Something new is good. HOWEVER...the last time we wore white helmets we got beat by Vandy. And every time I think about us crimson pants I think about UT and their hideous orange getups. I think its best we stay with what we got.
Crimson pants are so awful, but it has become a novelty or kind of a cult classic to mention the dreaded Crimson pants so i had to vote that way.

even thought they don't exist... the Crimson pants are a tradition of Alabama football because they get mentioned every year like clockwork.
jdpas29 said:
Crimson pants are so awful, but it has become a novelty or kind of a cult classic to mention the dreaded Crimson pants so i had to vote that way.

even thought they don't exist... the Crimson pants are a tradition of Alabama football because they get mentioned every year like clockwork.

Sorry. :oops: :D

Yeah, I'm not sure crimson would be the right color for pants. What I think would look ideal though is if we had a darker shade of red then they would look tight. Like FSU's red pants they've worn from time to time.

I do love the black out unis that teams like Colorado and even Vandy had sported in the past, but that wouldn't fit at all at BAMA.

Never cared for the white helmets too much.
Crimson pants with the home crimson jerseys would look good IMO.
I'd also love to see the script A or the
on the side of the helmets. Or just a plain crimson helmet with no numbers on the side.
I hate the uni-color uniforms worn by other teams. I hope we NEVER do that. Subtle changes would be fine, but I love the uniforms just the way they have been for my lifetime. I also have never been a big fan of the white helmets.
porkchop said:
Yeah if we were to wear crimson pants it would have to be with the crimson jersies IMHO.

i'm with ya chop. it should be a rule somewhere that the football pants cannot be darker than the jerseys. it just ain't right. :lol:
Alabama has a long, proud tradition including its football uniforms. We, along with Penn State, Notre (vomit) Dame, Georgia, Michi(gag)gan, and a few others should never change thier uni's. It's part of our identity and no one can take it away from us unless we take it away ourselves.
srollins said:
Alabama has a long, proud tradition including its football uniforms. We, along with Penn State, Notre (vomit) Dame, Georgia, Michi(gag)gan, and a few others should never change thier uni's. It's part of our identity and no one can take it away from us unless we take it away ourselves.

what he said.
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