| FTBL Another Reason to Hate Franochio


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Apparently, this scum bag was looking to leave Bama in his first year. Check this quote from an article on Yahoo Sports about the revival of Kansas by the round man Mangino:


As impressive as Mangino was, the committee knew that Bohl entered the search intent on hiring Alabama's Dennis Franchione, who was in the midst of his first season with the Crimson Tide.

Franchione knew that fans in Tuscaloosa would be irate if they found out he was interested in leaving – especially for a downtrodden program such as Kansas. So Bohl did his best to keep the situation hush-hush, traveling alone to meet with Franchione and only updating a few of the search committee members about the proceedings.

One minute Franchione seemed ready to accept the job, the next he'd changed his mind. The end came when Franchione told Bohl he needed a little more time because he wanted to see if he was going to be a candidate for the Notre Dame job, which came open when Bob Davie was fired on Dec. 2. That same day, Bohl rescinded his offer to Franchione and hired Mangino.

"No one wants to give Al Bohl any credit," Evans said. "But at the very end, we were dancing with a very successful guy who kept stringing us along, and finally Al just said, 'Forget it. We're offering this job to Mark Mangino.' It took a lot of courage to do that. Six years later it looks like we may have dodged a bullet."

Indeed, Franchione left Alabama the following the season for Texas A&M, where he's expected to be fired after the conclusion of this season.

"Ironic, isn't it?" said John Ferraro, a KU professor and search committee member. "I thought we had Franchione, but I still remember Al saying to me, 'John, this is the best coach I've ever hired.'"
Lenny Kozlowski said:
This was known to inside people at Bama. Fran wanted out of here from the beginning.

Maybe not from the beginning, but pretty close to it. It basically came about when he learned that CMM was not completely forthcoming about the NCAA stuff going on. We got hit a lot harder than CMM told Fran we was going to.
Bama Bo said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
This was known to inside people at Bama. Fran wanted out of here from the beginning.

Maybe not from the beginning, but pretty close to it. It basically came about when he learned that CMM was not completely forthcoming about the NCAA stuff going on. We got hit a lot harder than CMM told Fran we was going to.

I think that we got hit a lot harder than even Mal expected. I remember hearing the buzz back then about Kansas being after Fraudchione. Most coaches will listen in a situation like this. I'm not sure how close Fraud was to taking that job. Kansas back then had a well earned reputation as a coaching grave yard, and even Bama about to face probation might have seemed better than Kansas to him.

At this point he has impressed me as a survivor. I'm sure he will surface again as a coach. There are always schools that will sacrifice principles for winning.
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