| CURRENT EVENTS Another example of BSC. Don't let your kids walk in GA...might get arrested. Or, in this case, you will.

This reminds me of the time I get a call from the sheriff/ police about my wife's nephew at the time he was living with us. He asks if I knew he was riding his bike so far from the house (is about 10 miles away from the house). He was calling me to verify he aged, I told him he 18 and he likes to ride his bike.
Our parents never knew exactly where we were. We were usually within a 10 mile radius but we left in the morning and made sure we were home by dark, may our may not come back for lunch. We were at a creek fishing, riding bikes or 4 wheelers, playing ball at someone's pasture or something on the weekends and we'd camp at the creek half the summer. I was taking the truck to go hunting by 13. My mom's rule was we had to work if she could see us so we made sure she couldn't.
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