| GAME THREAD Alabama versus Vanderbilt

Middle Tenn? Alabama A&M? Kansas state probably was looking past Vandy or KS wasn't that good to start with. I believe that we are always going to get everyone's best shot and I believe that Vandy believes that they have a legitimate shot at bagging an elephant with a .22 but it just ain't gonna happen. Sure, they'll come out all fired up but the elephant will pee in their fire and that will be that. I believe our boys will be pissed off about their comments and stomp a mud hole in them.
It's game day with Candy. oh Vandy. It is going to be a lapdance.
Nobody saw him running from 16th avenue
They never found the finger prints
or the weapon that was used.
But someone killed Vanderbilts mojo
Cut out it's heart and soul
murders been committed down on music row
I'm getting ready to watch the game! So this mean I really won't be posting any during the game. That something that I can't do and watch the game. BUT I'm HERE!! read the post, also don't forget that Philly Girl is getting that ring on her finger tomorrow. Now let's get this game on I'm ready for some butt kicking Bama football!! ROLL TIDE ALL!!
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