| FTBL World Cup, Tiger, and Lebron this summer. What story do you think ESPN's coverage of college football will "cram" down our throats this season?


I was flipping through a few channels this morning looking for something to occupy my time on a rainy, dreary, Saturday morning. I happened to land on FSS and they were rebroadcasting a preview of the ACC conference. It took all of about 15 second before I heard "The Turnover Chain." Granted, they were talking about Miami at that point so I'm stretching this story a bit.

It did bring this subject to mind. Every season it seems "the Mothership" has a narrative that they insist, for lack of a better word, their audience follows. Last season I tired, quickly, of the continuing mentions of Miami and their gaudy necklace. Don't get me wrong. The 'Canes did a great job last year creating turnovers. They do return their entire back seven (assuming FSS had their roster breakdown correct.) So, there's some credit that's due there, right?

BUT. The fact that several schools were doing the same thing before Miami began to get so much publicity for their belt grated my nerves a bit. After all, the Tide has been doing this for what...two, three years now? I set that aside last season because I realized it was ESPN trying to play off of the Miami of old--it probably did attract a few more eyeballs.

What really struck me is there were four teams that had a better turnover margin last season than Miami. There were four teams with the same turnover margin--Bama being one.

This mornings show brought all that back including the disappointing thought, "they're going to do this crap, again."

So, we're here just a matter of a handful of Saturday's away from the start of the '18 season. It makes me curious.

What do you think, or expect, to be the storyline that you're through with before the season even really begins?
One of the many benefits to not watching ESPN until football games are on. Honestly, I don't think I'm missing much.

Now twitter...different story :D.

/changing topics a bit / Guy at work went to Europe during the World Cup, explored a few cities and then hit Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Did you know that all you need is a ticket to the game to gain access to a country that normally requires a Visa? I didn't... //
The story will be about who takes down Alabama and how.
I can see this but have to wonder about whether or not we'll see that crammed down our throats. Personally, I suspect we'll see people talk about a team beating Bama, but I have doubts we'll see agreement. One will pick AU, one will pick A&M, one will pick MSU, and on down the line.

Another that crossed my mind is we'll see a ton of McAffrey highlights early on in their "push" for him to win the Heisman--"Race for the Heisman" type of coverage.
The story will be about who takes down Alabama and how.
I can see this but have to wonder about whether or not we'll see that crammed down our throats. Personally, I suspect we'll see people talk about a team beating Bama, but I have doubts we'll see agreement. One will pick AU, one will pick A&M, one will pick MSU, and on down the line.

Another that crossed my mind is we'll see a ton of McAffrey highlights early on in their "push" for him to win the Heisman--"Race for the Heisman" type of coverage.

A lack of consensus is what will feed the story. Will it/can it be AU, A&M, Louisville, LSU? How can/will they do it?
I hate to say it, but the Tua vs Hurts story will be taken advantage of every week.

If Tua wins the job we will get no less than a hundred shots per game of Hurts on the sideline standing next to the OC, and we will hear every broadcasters angle on the situation every. freaking. game.

If Hurts wins the job then every single time he runs to the sideline, or throws an incomplete pass we will get a shot of Tua. By the time all is said and done it will be the story you can't take another second of.

The only way out of this is if one of them clearly wins the job, and it really does become something that is not debatable, or if one transfers.

Anyhow, Bama fans better buckle up because we are going to have to listen to broadcasters talk about it Allllllllll season long. Every week.
If Nebraska can get out of Ann Arbor with a win we'll hear a lot about Scott Frost. I suspect we'll hear a lot about him and Nebraska in the first few weeks as it is due to UCF.
I hate to say it, but the Tua vs Hurts story will be taken advantage of every week.
I've asked myself this question and found a lot of different answers. Let me ask you.

Why do you think guys like Tuberville, and Booger, and some of the others are so eager to give their opinion on who should be starting for Bama? Has Dye weighed in yet?
And lest we forget the SEC on CBS. I'm still reeling from Gary Danielson's never-ending monologue on how Greg McElroy has "never lost a game in high school or college as a starter." The best thing that came out of the SC loss was it finally shut his face. And what's the over/under on how many times Danielson cue's this baby up? "And here's the type of QB it takes to beat Alabama." As they once again for the 100th time put up the graphic that lists all the teams and QBs that have beaten the Tide in the last 10 years. We can go ahead and pick our poison, cause there's no way Danielson doesn't beat out QB controversy literally to death.
Don’t forget...”is Texas Back”
How bout.....”what does Oklahoma do without Mayfield “
“ Meyer and the Buckeyes”. Is it their time and who can unseat them from the Big 10 throne
And don’t forget the Pac 12... “ when will USC be the CF force of old” or UCLA with the high octane Offense they paid dearly for
What about...”.who will challenge Clemson “
SEC... has ti be about “ the oil money annd Aggies”
All story lines along with those mentioned above
i think 2 we'll hear about a good bit about, are (with regards to just our conference)...

bowden's trial by fire in the sec west
mullen's return to florida
bowden's trial by fire in the sec west
Assuming you meant Jimbo here, right?

I'm reminded of Trae Young this morning and how he was pushed by the media as the next best thing for the NBA in his position. Did he max out 3/4's through the season? Or, was it the competition? (Feels like a Jalen question(s.)) I saw someone comment on his debut in the summer league and evidently he's not doing real well there--don't know.

I do know I was sick and tired of hearing about Trae Young AND Oklahoma (not vice-versa, mind you) last season.
The Bama theme that ESPN will beat mercilessly throughout the season will be our schedule. It's an old favorite and we could very well be without a top 25 team on our SOS when the regular season is done. Let us pray that doesn't happen. It's hard to discredit the champs when the eye test says so much each week, it's not so hard to discredit the opponents every chance possible. The only remedy for the propaganda coming, I'm afraid, is don't watch.
Our schedule is like that of big 12 teams or pac 12..... play who is in your conference... and really?.who is Clemson playing?... ACC is a one team conference
our crappie non conference ...now that’s something to behold....
And there is no defense for it.....period
And worse next year......
Seems we were afraid to give someone a home n home.... and got stuck with Louisville n Duke...
hell, Our conference opponents are returning unsold tickets.... awful
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