Bama1966 said:
I don't get why people have to keep on dogging these guys out. All these rumors, bashing and what-not. What happens if JPW passes for 300+ yards has 5 TD's and we kill Auburn? I will tell you what, they will be glad he played.
Call me a Sunshine Pumper all you want.....I am pulling for John Parker, and the rest of the team. Beat Auburn!!!!
Here’s the way I see it:
Why bash and dog out the players on the very team you pull for? What point does it serve? I’m all for open, honest debate about where the strengths and weaknesses lie with this program, but these players,
OUR players get it enough from: ESPN and media outlets and other team’s fans. Should they have to hear it from people professing to support their team?? On top of that, does it REALLY CHANGE anything about the way that they are performing on the field??!! NO.
Do I like the way that some of the players have been playing? NO. Am I going to jump on the Number #1(insert name here) team bandwagon? NO.
I was born an Alabama fan. I was raised an Alabama fan. I am an Alabama fan every day, through good and bad. I will die an Alabama fan. From the domination of the SEC in the 80’s to the smack downs of TN and FL to the losses to LA Tech and ULM, I bleed Crimson, I always have and I always will. Anyone that doesn’t needs to find somewhere else to hang their hat. Sorry, but that’s my opinion.