| NEWS Willie mays has passed away…

He was set to be honored at Rickwood Thursday night, even though he wasn't able to attend. His son is/was scheduled to be there on his behalf. Almost fitting in a way that it'll now be honoring his life, not just his legacy... on that stage, 2 days after he passed.
He was set to be honored at Rickwood Thursday night, even though he wasn't able to attend. His son is/was scheduled to be there on his behalf. Almost fitting in a way that it'll now be honoring his life, not just his legacy... on that stage, 2 days after he passed.

My friend is from Alabama and tried entering the lottery to win tickets to that game, but you had to be a current resident. Was it a big thing over there to try and get tickets?
My friend is from Alabama and tried entering the lottery to win tickets to that game, but you had to be a current resident. Was it a big thing over there to try and get tickets?

The entire thing was a big fuckup. About the only thing they did right was limit it to AL residents. I didn't win the opportunity to buy tickets in the lottery, but I know of several who did, including my brother. First, they didn't let people know on the day they said they would, and then when they did send out notices to the lottery winners, they sent out more than they had spots for PLUS did so by e-mail. The latter would have been fine, IF they reserved a spot for all the winners, but they didn't. You had to see the e-mail pretty much immediately to secure tickets. My brother didn't see his e-mail until 3 hours after they sent it, so he missed the window. One other guy I know had tickets in his cart but got an error at checkout and lost them, then couldn't get any more. There were some who won the right to purchase, but opted not to because of the prices (not sure what they were expecting, but MLB dropped the ball there too by not explaining the prices well beforehand). IMO, the worst part of it was the amount of tickets B'ham city officials got PLUS the fact they did nothing to curtail the ticket scalping other than limit it to AL residents. Immediately after tickets were reserved by buyers, hundreds of them popped up on 3rd party sites... and while I'm all about some capitalism, I can't stand people being able to buy tickets like that with the sole intent to turn around and sell for a huge profit.

I almost went to the MiLB game tonight, tickets for it were easy to get, but I'm glad I didn't in retrospect. Friend of mine took his son and said it was a mess with the traffic and parking...

If you can't tell, I'm pretty triggered by the whole thing. 😆
The entire thing was a big fuckup. About the only thing they did right was limit it to AL residents. I didn't win the opportunity to buy tickets in the lottery, but I know of several who did, including my brother. First, they didn't let people know on the day they said they would, and then when they did send out notices to the lottery winners, they sent out more than they had spots for PLUS did so by e-mail. The latter would have been fine, IF they reserved a spot for all the winners, but they didn't. You had to see the e-mail pretty much immediately to secure tickets. My brother didn't see his e-mail until 3 hours after they sent it, so he missed the window. One other guy I know had tickets in his cart but got an error at checkout and lost them, then couldn't get any more. There were some who won the right to purchase, but opted not to because of the prices (not sure what they were expecting, but MLB dropped the ball there too by not explaining the prices well beforehand). IMO, the worst part of it was the amount of tickets B'ham city officials got PLUS the fact they did nothing to curtail the ticket scalping other than limit it to AL residents. Immediately after tickets were reserved by buyers, hundreds of them popped up on 3rd party sites... and while I'm all about some capitalism, I can't stand people being able to buy tickets like that with the sole intent to turn around and sell for a huge profit.

I almost went to the MiLB game tonight, tickets for it were easy to get, but I'm glad I didn't in retrospect. Friend of mine took his son and said it was a mess with the traffic and parking...

If you can't tell, I'm pretty triggered by the whole thing. 😆
And city officials in BIRMINGHAM AL getting unfair amount...lol
Corruption in birmingham....shocking
Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, and Hank Aaron.

I gotta ask because I was not around while these guys played. Was Hank Aaron truly one of the best, or did he just hit a lot of home runs? Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Micky Mantle, Bob Gibson, Satchel Paige, Jackie Robinson etc. all have that aura about them and stories galore. Never really got that from Hank. Being a Braves fan and going to games they of course remind you of it every other day, but as a baseball fan there wasn't a ton out there outside of the home runs in regard to him. Am I wrong, selective hearing, or am I right in my assumptions?
I gotta ask because I was not around while these guys played. Was Hank Aaron truly one of the best, or did he just hit a lot of home runs? Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Micky Mantle, Bob Gibson, Satchel Paige, Jackie Robinson etc. all have that aura about them and stories galore. Never really got that from Hank. Being a Braves fan and going to games they of course remind you of it every other day, but as a baseball fan there wasn't a ton out there outside of the home runs in regard to him. Am I wrong, selective hearing, or am I right in my assumptions?

I wasn't around for him either, and I'm not the biggest Hank Aaron cheerleader by any stretch, but IMO he was absolutely a top 10 (and I'd say a top 5 player). Take away his 755 HR's, he still a has over 3,000 hits. He was consistently good, over a long career, which I think counts for a lot. And he managed to do so while dealing with some stuff that would have derailed many others. I do think Mays was a notch better... right there with Ruth as 1A and 1B.
I gotta ask because I was not around while these guys played. Was Hank Aaron truly one of the best, or did he just hit a lot of home runs? Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Micky Mantle, Bob Gibson, Satchel Paige, Jackie Robinson etc. all have that aura about them and stories galore. Never really got that from Hank. Being a Braves fan and going to games they of course remind you of it every other day, but as a baseball fan there wasn't a ton out there outside of the home runs in regard to him. Am I wrong, selective hearing, or am I right in my assumptions?

I was around and hated the Milwaukee Braves. Lol. Therefore..didnt like HA.

But cant deny his achievements. Still dont like him. Spann or Burnette ( their best pitchers) ..really hated them....lol. HA was so clutch and decent guy. He was so respected...guess I should get over it..

Baseball changed so much. The ball itself wasnot as explosive when Ruthplayed.
Dont let anybody fool you...he was the greatest baseball player ever...he hit more homeruns in a season ...than any entire teams did some seasons...

A lot of others are memorialized. That are ...ummmm. I dont know

Was hugh baseball fan. Had every card from early 60s. Every player. Every team

Me n my baseball buddy do our greatest team ever...disagree admantly.

Baseball is diluted....HofF particularly

You should see my dad's baseball scrap book....20s-30s
Mine 50s-60s...lol
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You should see my dad's baseball scrap book....20s-30s
Mine 50s-60s...lol

I need to see this.

Had a chance years ago to meet Hank Aaron and get a ball signed in Mobile... opted not to go to the event... mostly because while I respected Aaron, I was never really a fan of his (guilty by association of being a Brave). But I've kicked myself a lot since then for not going... that was dumb.
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