| FTBL Who are my Nashville, TN area RollTideBama peeps, again?


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Remember me?

It's been a while....January, probably. But I haven't completely forsaken you. It's just been a crazy busy few months. Anyway, who's ready for some football? I'm excited. We're settled into a new house (Bellevue) and ready for some football watching and strained relations with our UT loving neighbors. 8) Bought Vandy season tickets just so we could go to the Bama/Vandy game...we'll sell the rest or use for clients or whatever.

BUT - the point of my post - last year we kept saying we would all meet up at Wilhagans and then we never did it. Let's not let that slip through our fingers again this year! Plus, how are you guys watching the games, do you know yet? We have DirecTV and I haven't checked out the game plan yet. Last year I bought the SEC package and it was fine.

Anyway...please forgive my stupidly long absence and know that you have all been in my thoughts. Hope you're ready to deal with me in chat on game days again this year.

a$# Roll Tide! a$#
Welcome back wendielu!

I'm pretty sure Bamaman37 and Tider 27 both have spent some time at Bellevue.

Wait, you're talking about a town, not a mental ward. Never mind.

Bama Bo said:
Welcome back wendielu!

I'm pretty sure Bamaman37 and Tider 27 both have spent some time at Bellevue.

Wait, you're talking about a town, not a mental ward. Never mind.


That hurt. :cry:

Please don't mention that horrible place anymore. It brings back awful memories. :(
Bama Bo said:
Welcome back wendielu!

I'm pretty sure Bamaman37 and Tider 27 both have spent some time at Bellevue.

Wait, you're talking about a town, not a mental ward. Never mind.


PLEASE BELIEVE ME when I say this place has felt like a mental ward over the last couple of months!! :lol
BamaDelta said:
You left me all alone with these guys. :shock: :wink:

Glad to see you back girl. :)

It wasn't on purpose! Swear!

So glad to be back.

I get lost during the off season partly because I don't have time to do the research on recruits that I would need to do in order to sound at least reasonable on the board, kwim? But I get a lot more access to information the closer we get to season kickoff. This year was even busier with buying a house and moving, and a project I have got going on with getting my grandfather moved up from Florida. Plus out of town guests and cars in the shop and a 3 year old.

That pic is from 1st day of 2006 season - so I'll hve to get a new pic up of my big boy. 8)
Hey Wendi! Welcome back! Just in time for football season.
I'm still in Nashville, although I've been in California all week.
Any luck staying cool lately?
Hey, good to see you back Wendielu!
Maybe I'll see you in the endzone at Vandy; I did the same thing and bought a season ticket, specifically for the Bama game.

Are you going to tailgate that day? We should get together! David and I won't be down there till about 10:30, but that leaves enough time for a couple of Bloody Marys, right? :wink:
I up for meeting some people at a tailgating before that game. My twin bro and I will be there bright and early. I love it when the Tide plays in Nashville. It is really like an 8th home game.
I wouldn't be able to get down there until about 10 or 10:30 myself, but would definitely be amenable to meeting up before the game to exchange our ROLL TIDEs!!!!! a$#
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