| LIFE Went on a 10 day trip to New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado.


I posted earlier about getting a 07 Land Cruiser last year with the purpose of taking it on some overlanding adventures in the future. We've been on a few trips already, SW Colorado was probably my favorite one to date.

I've got an old Army m416 trailer (built in the mid 60s), worked on it for the last month or so getting it ready. Thinking I'm gonna build a trailer from scratch to my specifications based on what I've learned with this trailer. I've been wanting to learn to weld for a few years now, so this will give me an opportunity to scratch tht itch. There really isn't much of a change in mpg while towing the trailer.

Shiprock, NM (Our travel vehicle and roof top tent on the trailer). I've camped with this on the trailer and on my roof rack, I prefer this to be on the trailer so I can just leave it opened and not have to spend the 5 mins setting it up and tearing it down daily. But there are times it makes sense just to have the tent on the vehicle so we can camp where we are at the moment and not have to lug the trailer around.


Moab, UT, believe this was in Arches NP.

Ouray, CO (if you haven't been here I HIGHLY recommend it). We stayed in 4Js campground which is a few blocks off the main drag in Ouray. The town sits at about 7800' and you're surrounded by 12,000' and 13,000' mountains. Pictures really do this no justice. FJ Cruisers have their FJ Summit here every year, where 300+ FJ's go run the trails in the area.

A different view of the town. Up a few switchbacks you get to this view (via the Million Dollar Highway).

Between Ouray and Silverton, there is a road called the Million Dollar Highway, which was an old tollroad back in the day. There aren't many guard rails because the road crew said it's easier to not have them when pushing snow and rocks off the roads. Supposedly one of the most dangerous roads in America.

We ended up staying in Silverton for 4-5 nights with ~100 other Land Cruiser and LX470 owners running 1998-2007 100 series. Great vehicles if you're ever in the market for a great 4x4 vehicle that seats 5-7 people. Our campground below.

Trailer and tent.

Lake Como. Not really sure the altitude of this lake, I'd guess it to be somewhere between 9,000'-10,000'. We came down one of the passes to get to this. Our group here was about 10-12 vehicles.

Animas Forks. An historical society is working to restore alot of these mining buildings.

Lastly, one of the guys brought his drone and put together a video. I was on two of the runs with him, each run was about 7-8 hours long. Provides a bit more depth of just how beautiful the area is. Enjoy!

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