Well I'm a daddy!!!!!!!

Thank you!

Finally got released from the hospital today!!!

We're home!!


My pooch Kaysar was excited to meet his new sister. He freaked out the first time he heard her cry out and he hadn't seen her yet...


Being my bday and halloween and all what spook baby couldn't go thru the night without her 1st halloween outfit on?




Congrats, Jamma. Love her and watch out for her. One day you'll wake up and she'll be having a family of her own.
I remember when each of my 3 were born, and all the precious times we had while they were growing.
They are all grown and gone now, raising their own families.
Time flies when you're having fun and when you're raising kids!!!
Thanks BB&B!

At 5 days old she is showing big improvement. She can hold her own passy. She has been able to hold up her head for a good bit even on day 2 from being born! She also can holdd her bottle lol.

Haha check out the little frog outfit! :D


She's a big thinker already....

Here are some more pics I snapped tonight as she was being pretty funny. Her personality comes out little by little each day. Today she was smiling and acting all funny. we also put her in her swing to try it out and she loved it!

This is right after a good bit of bottle feeding. She always acts a little drunk when she gets real full :D

Karate moves....



And now these photos show the drunkeness setting in :D....



Out for the count...




Earlier today trying out the swing...



BAMA JAMMA, congratulations to you and the Mrs.

What a wonderful-looking daughter you got there!

I can already tell she is gonna be something special . . . She has to be; she was born on my birthday. ;)

Cherish this time! The younguns grow up too fast!

You'll be greeting the boys at the door before you know it.
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Shotgun is getting cleaned for the boys hehe

She has a bama shirt she'll be wearing Saturday and I'll post pics of it.

Thanks Bear oh and happy late bday! Mine was the 31st same as CNS's lol.

What would of been real cool is if Kensley...or should I say my wife...could of held out for just 5 more minutes she would of been born on 10:28 on 10/28 heh. My wasn't going to waste any time though and wanted out out ASAP lol
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