| FTBL We will lose 7 games this year.

Missing that negative vibe? Do you have me on ignore? Since Saturday I have stated:

> We committed to many stupid penalties
> Clemson looked more overrated than Bama looked underrated
> The hype surrounding this win feels a lot like the hype surrounding the win over Florida in '05

I'm doing my best to keep it real. :)
yea and whats up with terrence cody, i mean that guy, are you kidding me. also the special teams giving up that kickoff return, what happened with that? i was really dissapointed with the 20 combined yards by spiller and davis. what was up with the defensive scheme? i mean when are these coaches gonna wake up and have us ready for a freakin' game. they had all offseason to prepare for clemson... and this is what we get!!!

Not much negative even I could get out of that game. :oops:

SOlid effort up front on both sides....punched them in the mouth and they never punched back. :D

Clemson is not a top 10 team is about the closest thing I can find.

Props to the coaches for having the guys ready
Props to the freshmen.
Props to JP
we threw to the TE :shock: :shock: :D and kept doing it 8)
Tiffin good from 54 :p

Cody makes a huge difference.........I bet the Clemson center didnt want to return for the second half.

Punting might still be a problem area ( if we only have to punt twice a game it wont matter)

Mike Shula would have..........J/K :lol:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Not much negative even I could get out of that game. :oops:

SOlid effort up front on both sides....punched them in the mouth and they never punched back. :D

Clemson is not a top 10 team is about the closest thing I can find.

Props to the coaches for having the guys ready
Props to the freshmen.
Props to JP
we threw to the TE :shock: :shock: :D and kept doing it 8)
Tiffin good from 54 :p

Cody makes a huge difference.........I bet the Clemson center didnt want to return for the second half.

Punting might still be a problem area ( if we only have to punt twice a game it wont matter)

Mike Shula would have..........J/K :lol:

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