| FOOD Walmart's "W+" and their food delivery service.


Besides just laugh.

They were next door and fortunately—next door neighbor has dementia—I saw her taking them inside. All's good. Got my grub.

But still...when I make this phone call...
I absolutely hate WalMart delivery. My MIL orders from them all of the time and the delivery people are bad to throw stuff in odd places or not notify anyone delivery was made. I have stepped outside to find stuff sitting there in the hot sun.
I've never used a grocery delivery service. How much extra does it cost? I wouldn't be comfortable having someone pick my produce for me, but then again I wouldn't buy produce from Walmart, either.
I've never used a grocery delivery service. How much extra does it cost? I wouldn't be comfortable having someone pick my produce for me, but then again I wouldn't buy produce from Walmart, either.
Free over a certain amount I believe. One reason I refuse to do any of them is because I have seen what happens with my MIL stuff when she does it. Dented as hell cans. WalMart brand goods substituted for name brands. And the folks who deliver usually throw it on the doorstep. Or at it.
I absolutely hate WalMart delivery. My MIL orders from them all of the time and the delivery people are bad to throw stuff in odd places or not notify anyone delivery was made. I have stepped outside to find stuff sitting there in the hot sun.
First time I've had a problem. I set the deliveries between 8-9 in the morning and they're usually there by 8:10 at the latest.
I've never used a grocery delivery service. How much extra does it cost? I wouldn't be comfortable having someone pick my produce for me, but then again I wouldn't buy produce from Walmart, either.
It's $100 a year. I don't buy meat or produce from Walmart; never have. That's a Publix, Whole Foods, or farmers market trip.

I do buy some perishables; eggs, milk, etc. The milk is normally dated two plus weeks out, bread has always been fresh, etc.

That said, Amazon Prime offers free, two hour delivery from Whole Foods. I've used them several times and have been very pleased. $16 lb ribeyes, Angus, the other day...damn good!
Free over a certain amount I believe
At Walmart.com, for things from their "store" versus "groceries" purchases over $35 are free delivery. If you're not a W* member it's $7.95 I believe.
A H/T to the Walmart IT folk...

There's a new—at least to me—addition to their ordering system which allows you to track orders. I guess that's a new addition to their track ordering system if I'm being honest.

Short story, long.

I put in an order yesterday to be delivered this morning. I "pulled" it back up this morning just to see if they were shipping one item versus delivery and their progress reports indicated everything was out for delivery.

They've added a new feature which allows you to track the order and by track I mean down to which street the delivery driver is on at the moment. I needed something and noticed she (driver) was headed up the highway and would be at the house in 30 minutes. I have to admit it was a bit entertaining watching a car icon move along Google maps as the delivery drew near.

I say entertaining...

I noticed where she was before heading to my house. There's about a half of a dozen ways to get out of that neighborhood and as sure as the sun comes up every day she took the wrong one...right into the middle of the traffic for two elementary schools. I know that neighborhood is a bit of a bitch to get in an out of...easy to get turned around if you haven't been through there more than a few times. It's BAD with school hours.

I have to admit getting a laugh or two watching her try to get out of there this morning. Three times, "oops, that's the wrong turn" watching her get turned around and fight another traffic jam.
I've mentioned W+ with Walmart and their grocery delivery before. I'd sure love to know what's going on there.

Meats and a few other items I pick up in person—and not at Walmart. Spend $35, free delivery, not a bad deal, right? Two weeks ago when I tried to put in an order for delivery it had been shut down city wide (three counties.) Around the 24th they posted it would resume on August 1st. It did; for six days. No dates available city wide for the last two and a half days. Staffing?

A few weeks ago I received a spam email from Uber Eats; spend $25 get $20 dollars off. Sold. I ended up ordering from Jersey Mike's, two of their big sandwiches, and it cost around $10 with the tip. (Here's lazy. It's a half of a mile there.)

Assuming my email address was sold ... got the same type of email last Friday Postmates—spend $35, get $25 off. I was thinking Smokey Bones but the wait time killed the notion. Fast forward to today ...

I get another from Postmates: "we missed you last Friday, here's the same offer." So I get curious and look to see how many Chick-fil-A entrees I can get. Three sandwiches, three nuggets and I'm good to go. I clicked or the order thinking I could review tip, extra charges, etc. I didn't realize it placed the order and as soon as I did—less than a minute, mind you—I had completed the cancellation.

20 minutes later (hell of a delivery time) the door bells rings and the driver says, "thanks, here ya go."

I never paid for it. They don't have any card, just my address and phone number.

So I can't get food delivered from a grocery store but I can get food delivered through Postmates for free?
Here's a good one.

22 items ordered yesterday—four delivered today. FOUR.

It's not that they didn't have them. It's—plain and simply here—a fuck up of the utmost proportions.

Roughly $100 spent, over 75% of that refunded; along with the tip. (Two different refunds as charged back to the card. They want their food money now, tips can wait until tomorrow.)


UPS is down to the exact intersection? I haven't looked at their system in a while.
UPS is off and on with it. They used to allow you to track it from the UPS facility to your house, but that lead to some folks finding ways to track and rob drivers. Now they usually let you track them in your neighborhood once they get there, but it has a fairly random delay that means you can't see exactly where they are at all times anymore. It sucks because before I could judge when they would be at my house in the next few hours. Now I can't see anything until they get a few blocks away. Their delivery estimates are always wrong and usually change 2-4 times during that day so I never know if I can leave the house or not.

On the WalMart front, we stopped ordering pickup from Sam's too. All of the frozen stuff had been allowed to thaw enough that the individual biscuits were now a mass of dough and the blueberries were fully thawed. WalMart is no better since I see them blocking aisles with non-cooled carts full of frozen stuff that is already dripping water all over the place.
On the WalMart front, we stopped ordering pickup from Sam's too. All of the frozen stuff had been allowed to thaw enough that the individual biscuits were now a mass of dough and the blueberries were fully thawed. WalMart is no better since I see them blocking aisles with non-cooled carts full of frozen stuff that is already dripping water all over the place.
I don't see stopping ordering some of that online. W+ has a few advantages over Amazon, but the grocery thing is another ball game.

I think Instacart is $100 annually. That covers a few retail outlets including CVS.
UPS is off and on with it. They used to allow you to track it from the UPS facility to your house, but that lead to some folks finding ways to track and rob drivers. Now they usually let you track them in your neighborhood once they get there, but it has a fairly random delay that means you can't see exactly where they are at all times anymore. It sucks because before I could judge when they would be at my house in the next few hours. Now I can't see anything until they get a few blocks away. Their delivery estimates are always wrong and usually change 2-4 times during that day so I never know if I can leave the house or not.
Several months ago I was at a hardware store picking up a storm door; odd sized, the only place available. They had a bank of lockers, much like you see in Lowe's with pick-up orders, that was an Amazon bank. I've thought of using it a few times.
Y’all are brave!!! I don’t trust any of them to deliver food stuff!!!!!! Much less Walmart. I haven’t eaten anything from Walmart in at least 17-18 years. A buddy of mine is a regional manager and my ex-wife’s friend is a district manager. They don’t eat stuff from Walmart either.
Y’all are brave!!! I don’t trust any of them to deliver food stuff!!!!!! Much less Walmart. I haven’t eaten anything from Walmart in at least 17-18 years. A buddy of mine is a regional manager and my ex-wife’s friend is a district manager. They don’t eat stuff from Walmart either.
WalMart is for packaged goods only (canned, boxed). I would never buy meat or produce there. Frozen/dairy is questionable since I know they put stuff back in the freezer after it has thawed. Hell, I know they pile up the stuff they are putting into the coolers/freezers in the floor for who knows how long before they start stocking. I have watched them do it.
UPS is off and on with it. They used to allow you to track it from the UPS facility to your house, but that lead to some folks finding ways to track and rob drivers. Now they usually let you track them in your neighborhood once they get there, but it has a fairly random delay that means you can't see exactly where they are at all times anymore. It sucks because before I could judge when they would be at my house in the next few hours. Now I can't see anything until they get a few blocks away. Their delivery estimates are always wrong and usually change 2-4 times during that day so I never know if I can leave the house or not.

On the WalMart front, we stopped ordering pickup from Sam's too. All of the frozen stuff had been allowed to thaw enough that the individual biscuits were now a mass of dough and the blueberries were fully thawed. WalMart is no better since I see them blocking aisles with non-cooled carts full of frozen stuff that is already dripping water all over the place.
UPS was pretty cool last year and early this year. You could see the little brown truck icon go all over the map, then the option disappeared one day for me.
Several months ago I was at a hardware store picking up a storm door; odd sized, the only place available. They had a bank of lockers, much like you see in Lowe's with pick-up orders, that was an Amazon bank. I've thought of using it a few times.
The little Texaco and boat launch in Cropwell (Town & Country) has a wall of Amazon lockers, as does one of the convenience stores at the Hwy 77 Talladega Exit in Lincoln. I've used the one at Town & Country once, but every time I compare the delivery date, it's always a day or two later than if they directly deliver to a home address (my home, kids' homes or my Mom's, doesn't matter where). If you're not in a hurry, and wish to use Amazon but avoid porch pirates, it's an option.
WalMart is for packaged goods only (canned, boxed). I would never buy meat or produce there. Frozen/dairy is questionable since I know they put stuff back in the freezer after it has thawed. Hell, I know they pile up the stuff they are putting into the coolers/freezers in the floor for who knows how long before they start stocking. I have watched them do it.

Yes, canned and boxed foods only, those laden with enough preservatives to survive neglect, which is the same standard I use when buying things from Dollar General.

I still shop for the majority of my foods at Publix, although as prices have vaulted I've been deliberate in getting some things at Walmart and more stuff at Costco. Cereal is outrageous (along with the shrinking boxes) and the soups I eat (usually Progresso or the Campbell's equivalent) have gone through the roof. A couple of years ago, Progresso was 1.98 at Publix and 1.54 at Walmart, and I simply waited for the Publix BOGO and stocked up at a dollar a can. Last time I checked Progresso was 3.04 at Publix, haven't checked at Walmart lately. Costco's Kirkland brand salmon (another staple in my boring diet) has gone up a bunch, too.
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