| FTBL Vote for Coach Bryant!

mine said:
Thanks for the work.

Just wandering though. I see that this is written exclusively for Internet Explorer. I don't suppose this would work for Firefox or SeaMonkey would it? And wouldn't it be Vote(5)? Or am I reading that wrong? As I'm reading it, Vote(4) would be Joe Paterno. :roll:

Yes I just made this for IE (I'm a firefox guy myself), as I figured most ppl here would use IE, or at least have it installed on their computers.

On the Vote(4), If you think of the radio buttons as typical arrays, then the first would be 0, second would be 1, third would be 2, fourth would be 3, and fifth would be 4.

That and if you watch it real close it will select CPB right before it goes to the vote thanks page
Colin said:
ghice said:
Ok, the script is finished.

use this link to download:



Go to the website

Click The Free Button

Enter Picture Text


Unzip the_bear_vote.zip

Go to the freshly unzipped file

Double Click On the_bear.bat (Windows Batch File)

Go To Sleep and leave you computer running



Can you tell me how you made this? There are other polls on the net that I sometimes would love to use this for.

I used Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) to make this. I'm not a VBScript guru by anymeans (just started to use it on Monday to create automation for work), I'm more of a Perl guru if any. but if you want to alter this for other polls:

Change this line to match your website: Const URL = "http://proxy.espn.go.com/espn/specialsection/citirosebowl/2007/"

With WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
.Visible = False
.Navigate URL
Do Until .ReadyState = 4
WScript.Sleep(5000) ' wait for page to load
Change this line to match your the form name:With .document.forms("citi")
Change this line to whatever your particular value will be.vote(4).checked = True
End With
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Change this line to match your the follow up page (I did this for verification purposes):.Navigate "http://proxy.espn.go.com/espn/specialsection/citirosebowl/2007/voteThanks"
Do Until .ReadyState = 4
WScript.Sleep(5000) ' wait for page to load
End With
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
This line runs another bat file that deletes your cookies:WshShell.Run("delete_cookies.bat")

Oh, and to find out what the form name will be ("citi") and what the value will be ("vote") you will need to look through the source code on the webpage you intend to automate.

To do this:

On IE:


On FF:

View->Page Source

Look for the line that has
<form name="citi"

This will be your form name so change the line With document.forms("citi") to With document.forms("YOURFORMNAMEHERE")

At this point look at the page source code again, and find your selection amidst all of the gumble.

<td>PAUL "BEAR" BRYANT<input></td>

We found our selection now what is the name of this component?

PAUL "BEAR" BRYANT[/b] name="vote" type="radio" value="197079"></td>

Here we see the input name is vote, and the type is a radio(radio button) so now we can alter the line

.vote(4).checked = True


.INPUTNAME(selection value).checked = True

Note: this is for only radio buttons
ghice said:
On the Vote(4), If you think of the radio buttons as typical arrays, then the first would be 0, second would be 1, third would be 2, fourth would be 3, and fifth would be 4.

Right. It's been a while since my programming classes. I need to start practicing again and get busy putting it to use. LOL
I'll keep voting. No disrespect but to put Tom O. above Coach Bryant is pretty ignorant.
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