| FTBL UA Board meeting comming up: Stadium Upgrades....


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The UA Board of Trustees will meet either this week or next week. and i've been told that one of the things up for discution will be the expantion of Bryant-Denny and the closeure of the South Endzone.
It is important to note that they already have over 10,000 people in line to buy season tickets....as well as companies waiting to buy luxury skybox's.

Now don't get me wrong i'm all for this....but i have a big problem with more sky boxes. With 2nd hand tickets already in high demand (& high priced)
i find it rather calluos to the programs core fan base, the blue collar, hard working lower middle class....that support this University though it's football program like a bunch of religious zelots year in and year out....the meet and patatoes bama fan...will once again be priced out of Bryant-Denny.

I'm 37 years old and finaly got to my 1st game only with the season opener last year. And becuse it's so expensive, even more so in the current economy, i doubt i'll get to go to another game for quite some time. I work hard for a living. And Alabama football is about the only damn thing i can be pationate about outside of family, work or religion. And even IF your inline to get season tickets....Tide Pride memberships are expensive. and there's no way in hell i could afford it on my salery, not and support a disabled brother on top of it.

now i realize that that's how these things are paid for....tide pride donations, A+, skybox sales ect ect. I would hope that they would not go the way of sky boxes but do something like what Kansas has done and have plush outdoor luxury reclining seats witha TV & awning. those were the coolest things i've ever seen in a venue.

But anyway....I'm all for the expantion.....but am i the only one who feels like i'm being priced out of Bryant-Denny?
The meeting is this Friday.

They are voting on the next step. The feasibility study is in...now it's just allowing them to deal with the firm on the design plans, etc.

After this is concluded, all that will really be left is Dr. Witt to say, "go."

As to your thought on sky boxes...you are actually contradicting yourself.

No sky boxes means less money coming in. Less money coming in would lead to higher ticket prices in the future than more sky boxes.
Bamsambo said:
When they do this does that mean that all other tickets will go up? Are all seats for all games already sold out far in advance?


I wouldn't put a lot of concern on other tickets going up now other than inflation taking its toll.

As to the other seats...we have over 10K on the waiting list for season tickets now...average wait today is 5-6 years.
The skyboxes/suites really will not eat up many seats, but they are needed in order to bring in the big money that is needed to help cover the costs in the long run. The last expansion sent ~9000 more tickets into the marketplace, and this one will do the same. That will ramp up supply and cut the demand quite a bit. Getting tickets to the lesser games (anything but auburn, Tenn, LSU, UGA, UF, or a major OOC team) will be pretty easy to do if you work at it or just come to the game and buy your tickets before kickoff.
Realizing that the stadium can not seat everyone who wants to attend at a price that they are comfortable paying, it is just a question of where they draw that line, who gets cut out, and what benefit the University can can get for its 7 or so games a year.

That said, I don't have an issue with Skyboxes, chair-backed seats, bleachers, bean-bags, TVs in the toilet stalls, or standing room only next to the ramp lady. As long as those that attend are an asset to the the team and the University, I'll take the tens of Millions of dollars that they bring in to pay for the other sports, build facilities, donated money to the University, and scholarship money to students.

Now, lets for breach 100,000 fans. RTR!!!
TerryP said:
The meeting is this Friday.

They are voting on the next step. The feasibility study is in...now it's just allowing them to deal with the firm on the design plans, etc.

After this is concluded, all that will really be left is Dr. Witt to say, "go."

As to your thought on sky boxes...you are actually contradicting yourself.

No sky boxes means less money coming in. Less money coming in would lead to higher ticket prices in the future than more sky boxes.

oh yes i know. The skyboxes are what helps pay for it. i understand that. but the presance of them limits the general seating options and lowers the seating cap. honestly how many more fans could we squeeze in there with out those boxes onthe east stands. My point is there has to be a compramise some where that will allow for more fans in and still meet the schools financial needs with the luxury box's.
I'm also hoping that they consider updating the jumbotron...i crenge at thinking we're being out done bu old miss in anything.

As for tickets...
Over the past 5 years UA ticket prices have increased by 52%.....which is not bad considerng the Aubs have increased thier ticket prices 98% over that same time period. (bet those ticket holders feel stupid right about now. lol) So IMO prices will most likely go up. But hopeflly not that much.

My 2 largest gripes...Ticket avalibity, and ticket pricing. 2 of the 3 games i've attended...i sat next to Bob & Betty "Blue Hair"....who've had season tickets since 1952. U have to wait for some one to die off to egt thier seats...sad but true.
LBS said:
Realizing that the stadium can not seat everyone who wants to attend at a price that they are comfortable paying, it is just a question of where they draw that line, who gets cut out, and what benefit the University can can get for its 7 or so games a year.

That said, I don't have an issue with Skyboxes, chair-backed seats, bleachers, bean-bags, TVs in the toilet stalls, or standing room only next to the ramp lady. As long as those that attend are an asset to the the team and the University, I'll take the tens of Millions of dollars that they bring in to pay for the other sports, build facilities, donated money to the University, and scholarship money to students.

Now, lets for breach 100,000 fans. RTR!!!

Well said. I'm not lucky enough to be a Tide Pride member... or even have a hookup... so I have to buy all mine from other folks. Sometimes I pay face, and there are times I've paid 150.00 a ticket, but that's just life. It is no different if you want to go see the Red Sox or Yankees play and want a decent seat. Also, after talking to some Ohio St. season ticket holders a few years ago, we have it a lot better than them.
I see your point about the ticket prices being too high for the everyday fan. I also understand that skyboxes bring in the major cash flow that helps support athletics. Also, there is a bit of one-upness (I made that word up) when it comes to stadiums, every major school that does serious expansion wants to one-up the stadiums. When it comes to skyboxes versus seats though, the skyboxes will bring in tripple the money (my opinion) versus single seats in the same area of the stadium. I feel your pain, I had a chance to buy season tickets in 03 but did not do it because it's too expensive. Factor in the hotel, food, gas and whatnot...I suppose if I lived closer I would have looked at it in a different light. I guess I kinda rambled a bit here, lol....I would like to see them expand the stadium though, it would put more tickets on the market and I am tired of Tennessee being the "big" SEC stadium. :lol:
AlabamaAubKiller said:
oh yes i know. The skyboxes are what helps pay for it. i understand that. but the presance of them limits the general seating options and lowers the seating cap. honestly how many more fans could we squeeze in there with out those boxes onthe east stands. My point is there has to be a compramise some where that will allow for more fans in and still meet the schools financial needs with the luxury box's.
I'm also hoping that they consider updating the jumbotron...i crenge at thinking we're being out done bu old miss in anything.

As for tickets...
Over the past 5 years UA ticket prices have increased by 52%.....which is not bad considerng the Aubs have increased thier ticket prices 98% over that same time period. (bet those ticket holders feel stupid right about now. lol) So IMO prices will most likely go up. But hopeflly not that much.

My 2 largest gripes...Ticket avalibity, and ticket pricing. 2 of the 3 games i've attended...i sat next to Bob & Betty "Blue Hair"....who've had season tickets since 1952. U have to wait for some one to die off to egt thier seats...sad but true.

The South end zone isn't going to mirror the North...but, the expansion is still going to being an addition 9K plus into BDS.

I can bet ya that even after the expansion, we are going to have thousands on the waiting list for season tickets. That's the price of being a Bama fan.

And, fwiw, when I've wanted a ticket I've never had a problem getting one whether it was from someone before the game or game day. Like Porter, I've paid more than I probably should have at times...but, that's me.

Attending the games is a choice, ya know...which is one of the reasons I have a problem with students complaining about tickets...but I digress.

I look at it a lot like this. Spending 100 bucks for a ticket to the game seems high...but, I've dropped that amount one night out at home and didn't have anything in the end. Not the case with a ball game.
bamascw said:
I see your point about the ticket prices being too high for the everyday fan. I also understand that skyboxes bring in the major cash flow that helps support athletics. Also, there is a bit of one-upness (I made that word up) when it comes to stadiums, every major school that does serious expansion wants to one-up the stadiums. When it comes to skyboxes versus seats though, the skyboxes will bring in tripple the money (my opinion) versus single seats in the same area of the stadium. I feel your pain, I had a chance to buy season tickets in 03 but did not do it because it's too expensive. Factor in the hotel, food, gas and whatnot...I suppose if I lived closer I would have looked at it in a different light. I guess I kinda ramlbed a bit here, lol....I would like to see them expand the stadium though, it would put more tickets on the market and I am tired of Tennessee being the "big" SEC stadium. :lol:

Ironically, their capacity is going down with the addition of sky boxes is what I've read somewhere.
Just adding my 2 cents worth......While we have a list of 10k waiting....I dare say that half of those could not or would not join up if offered today.

Anybody that has dealt with a group of people over 5 or 6 knows that folks will talk a good game until it is time to crap or get off the pot. I have ran several hunting clubs and everybody and their freakin brother wanted to join in October when we are all getting our hunting gear together and heading out into the woods. When May rolls around and you have to pay a chunk of change to join that club that you won't have anything to do with until October.......well folks start whistling a different tune.

I see Tide Pride much the same way. They send out notices for renewal in December usually before we have played our bowl game. I agree with Terry that after the next expansion that there will still be several thousand wanting to buy tickets, but if you really are persistent and really want to get in I think you will be able to. Just a matter of weeding through the folks that are blowing smoke or not.
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