| FTBL Tua Tagovailoa ‘not too sure’ on whether he will enter NFL Draft- Tidesports

Tua is still saying he has not decided yet.

University of Alabama quarterback Tua Tagovailoa said Tuesday he was still “not too sure” about whether he would enter the NFL draft for 2020 or return to Alabama to rehabilitate from hip surgery — and possibly play football — next season.

“The deadline is between now and January 20 (when players must announce for the draft),” Tagovailoa said in an interview with The Tuscaloosa News on Tuesday. “I’m still talking with my parents about it. I’m still not too sure. A decision could come tomorrow or I could wait and decide on the 20th of January.

“Whatever God puts in my heart and my parents’ hearts, that will be the right thing.”

Tagovailoa, who suffered a hip dislocation in Alabama’s Nov. 16 game at Mississippi State and had hip surgery two days later in Houston, is finishing the semester at Alabama and will take final exams next week.

As far as his decision, Tagovailoa said he was looking “at both sides of the spectrum.”

“There is a risk and a reward if I stay and a risk and a reward if I go,” Tagovailoa said.

“The risk if I stay is obviously ‘Do I get hurt again?’ The reward is that I could come back and have another good year like my sophomore year and elevate myself back to the very top of the (NFL) draft.

“If I leave, I think the risk is a little higher. That risk would be how far do I drop in the draft. To me, it’s 50-50 between going in the first round and possibly going in the second round. If I go somewhere from first (overall) to around 24th, the money will be set. But let’s say — and I am just picking a number — that I go to the 31st pick. That would be about 9 million dollars. That’s a lot of money, an amount of money I’ve never had before, but it’s not high first-round money and you can never make that money up. They say you can (make it up) on your next contract but money lost is money lost to me.

“Those are the deciding factors. If my parents tell me that they think I should leave, that is obviously going to be a factor. But so far, they’ve told me that it’s my decision.”

Tagovailoa, who is going through a daily rehab routine, said he has no timetable for returning to the field, it said he has “no fear” of playing football again.

“I wouldn’t say I’m afraid, no,” Tagovailoa said. “I know what I signed up for when I started playing football. You go out on the field and you can’t judge what you do on whether or not you’ll get hurt.

“What happened in the Mississippi State game was a freak accident but it was a blessing too. This injury has touched more lives than me just playing football, more like a preacher preaching a great sermon. God has used it in a way that only he could portray.

“If I had been hang-dog about this situation, the fans would feel the same way. They would feed off the energy. But I’m happy. I’m OK. I’ve been given that strength. People look at that and feed off it. I’ve gotten over 11,000 letters, I think. Letters from Hawaii, Arizona, people all over the continent. They are well-wishers but that lifts their lives, too.”

Tagovailoa — who also taped a lengthy ESPN interview on Tuesday — said he does not regret the decision to play against Mississippi State as he was coming back from surgery to strengthen a high ankle sprain.

“I was still a little unsure (that morning),” he said. “The doctors had cleared me. It wasn’t a physical thing, it was more mental because I hadn’t taken a live rep in practice. I didn’t start (practicing) until Wednesday or Thursday so I didn’t get to work live against the scout team on how (MSU) would blitz, how to set protections, when to be protected. But I could move. That wasn’t the issue.

“It was up to me. Coach (Nick) Saban told me ‘we will play you if you want to play and if not, we’re not going to be mad.’ So it was really up to me and I chose to play.”
I mean with anyone else I would just laugh and say "sure" but with Tua, I wouldn't be surprised. IDK, we'll see I guess. Hopefully nobody stresses over this too much lol

I agree with you Josh. Basically with anyone else, it is likely a done deal and they are providing a little lip service to keep some drama and suspense around them. With Tua, you don’t get that. He has always been genuine and honest. It wouldn’t surprise me, but I won’t hold me breath or get upset should he leave.
So Tua needs to find out where he would be drafted. If it's mid-1st round to late 1st ground, then I think he would come back. His thinking is that if through he grades out as 1st.. he know he could fall into 2nd round.

Now, here's a thought: if he comes back next year, With game against USC, Georgia He can establish himself as #1 and then take it easy for next few games... and then LSU, Texas and Auburn... Those game should he perform well, he will be #1 overall pick, no matter what.

He is not going to announce until after early signing day though. I still think he will go, if it's anywhere from Pick #1 to 15th.
In other words... IF his mind was already made up (like most folks assume his mind would be at this point) he wouldn't discussing any element at staying.

I think the hardest issue for anyone to determine a good decision is the challenge of the Jan 20th declaration deadline. That deadline just doesn't give him solid adequate time to assess his injury status, nor the does it give the NFL teams adequate time. So going pro is basically an educated guess when it comes to a business decision. Frankly, as someone who assess financial risk all the time for my career, that's not good business.
So Tua needs to find out where he would be drafted. If it's mid-1st round to late 1st ground, then I think he would come back. His thinking is that if through he grades out as 1st.. he know he could fall into 2nd round.

Now, here's a thought: if he comes back next year, With game against USC, Georgia He can establish himself as #1 and then take it easy for next few games... and then LSU, Texas and Auburn... Those game should he perform well, he will be #1 overall pick, no matter what.

He is not going to announce until after early signing day though. I still think he will go, if it's anywhere from Pick #1 to 15th.

Gonna be tough to be the top QB if the dude at Clemson is relatively healthy
Gonna be tough to be the top QB if the dude at Clemson is relatively healthy

I still stand by the fact that Lawrence is no Tua. Sure, his measurables are better with 6'6 height, but he has nowhere the accuracy or zip Tua has. He has yet to put together a season even remotely close to Tua. If it wasn't for Higgins and Ross making acrobatic catches, one handed grabs, and winning 50/50 balls at a 95% rate, no one would even be talking about Lawrence in my opinion. I'm sure you've watched, but I'm serious, the guy is nowhere the talent Tua is. That being said, the NFL absolutely loves being wrong, taking gambles, and watching QB busts, so I have no doubt Lawrence will go #1. Not saying Lawrence will bust, just saying there is no rhyme or reason to a lot of top NFL picks.


Reading a lot of stuff that some folks in the NFL are not convinced Tua is as good as presented and are buying into the "it's the receivers" stuff. He may decide to stay and prove them wrong as well as prove he can still play. Come back and have a full year like this one was going and not have injuries, Tua goes #1 overall no matter what Lawrence does.
So Tua needs to find out where he would be drafted. If it's mid-1st round to late 1st ground, then I think he would come back. His thinking is that if through he grades out as 1st.. he know he could fall into 2nd round.

Now, here's a thought: if he comes back next year, With game against USC, Georgia He can establish himself as #1 and then take it easy for next few games... and then LSU, Texas and Auburn... Those game should he perform well, he will be #1 overall pick, no matter what.

He is not going to announce until after early signing day though. I still think he will go, if it's anywhere from Pick #1 to 15th.
Ehhhh, looks like he's announcing something Thursday...

There are pros and cons on both sides of the issue for Tua to consider. Right now, he has 60+ days to make a decision. There is really no reason to rush into a decision without weighing all of his options for himself and his family. I wish him the very best if he decides to forgo his last season at Alabama and enter the draft or if he decides to come back for another year.
I still stand by the fact that Lawrence is no Tua. Sure, his measurables are better with 6'6 height, but he has nowhere the accuracy or zip Tua has. He has yet to put together a season even remotely close to Tua. If it wasn't for Higgins and Ross making acrobatic catches, one handed grabs, and winning 50/50 balls at a 95% rate, no one would even be talking about Lawrence in my opinion. I'm sure you've watched, but I'm serious, the guy is nowhere the talent Tua is. That being said, the NFL absolutely loves being wrong, taking gambles, and watching QB busts, so I have no doubt Lawrence will go #1. Not saying Lawrence will bust, just saying there is no rhyme or reason to a lot of top NFL picks.

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I'm with ya on all that..... It's just between the health issues for Tua and his measurables, he's the better "prospect".
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