Trayvon Martin case

Is George Zimmerman guilty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters


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Anyone have any interest in this? It's going to be a huge racial battle, like it or not. The "stand your ground" law is going to be under the microscope big time.

Just wondering what others opinion on it is... let's place nice :p
Interested from afar, meaning I only care about it from the standpoint that it could affect me in the future :)

Both Martin and Zimmerman are probably different people that what we've been presented by the media and their lawyers. I've always had the feeling that Zimmerman wasn't being upfront about things. I haven't followed the case at all, just heard some of the stuff from both sides bad mouthing the other side.

I have a concealed carry license - the one thing that stood out to me about my class years ago, was one question. Is property worth a life? A husband and wife that were in the class asked, if someone is in my back yard stealing some of their property (patio furniture was their example), can they legally shoot someone. I asked them, is that patio furniture actually more valuable than a life. The instructor said, you need to think long and hard about that, keeping in mind that that your decision will be judged both criminally and civilly - of which you may be found innocent criminally, but guilty in a civil court.

Having said all of this, I hope I never have to face this decision - I generally go for fight vs flight when pressed.
It will be a polarizing event, for sure, but I don't think anyone is completely in the right, or wrong, on this one. The guy on trial was probably more aggressive than SYG allows, but very well may not have been the aggressor. MSNBC/NBC's editing of the 911 call is the best example of an activist media, and the accused should get a big paycheck for their assassination of his character and tainting the jury pool.
Neighbohood watch, not neighborhood apprehend. From what is known, Zimmerman had no business confronting Martin as he wasn't really doing anything. At least as far as I know.

Which brings up, what is the role of neighborhood watch? If he was "watching" and thought Martin looked suspicious, is part of the job to confront? Or to call police? I'm not sure either. Especially with the law being what it is in Florida with the stand your ground. But I think this case is really interesting. It's sad, that's for sure. At some point is taking a life worth this?
Neighbohood watch, not neighborhood apprehend. From what is known, Zimmerman had no business confronting Martin as he wasn't really doing anything. At least as far as I know.

When Zimmerman called in what he saw he did all that a neighborhood watcher should do, IMO. He provoked Martin. Martin started wailing away on him, he pulled his gun. Martin was no threat to anyone at the time it all started.

As far as the poll question goes, I don't think Zimmerman is guilty of Murder 2. Perhaps manslaughter, perhaps aggravated assault.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Martin in a gated community that he had no business being in? That's the old news, but that came out pretty early, when it was said that Martin was going to visit his grandmother, who didn't live in that community. So why was Martin there? As far as Plano asking if property worth more than a life....yeah sometimes. Some lives aren't worth other people's property. Some people just don't deserve to live IMHO. Take that how you want to. Am I equating that to Travon Martin? No. But I firmly believe the world is a better place without some people.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Martin in a gated community that he had no business being in? That's the old news, but that came out pretty early, when it was said that Martin was going to visit his grandmother, who didn't live in that community. So why was Martin there? As far as Plano asking if property worth more than a life....yeah sometimes. Some lives aren't worth other people's property. Some people just don't deserve to live IMHO. Take that how you want to. Am I equating that to Travon Martin? No. But I firmly believe the world is a better place without some people.

I thought his dad lived in that gated community? The rumors about this whole story are just so wild and different, both cases will have a hard time changing jurors initial opinions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Martin in a gated community that he had no business being in? That's the old news, but that came out pretty early, when it was said that Martin was going to visit his grandmother, who didn't live in that community. So why was Martin there? As far as Plano asking if property worth more than a life....yeah sometimes. Some lives aren't worth other people's property. Some people just don't deserve to live IMHO. Take that how you want to. Am I equating that to Travon Martin? No. But I firmly believe the world is a better place without some people.

Where in the hell did you come up with that BS? His father lived in that "gated community that he had no business being in." He was staying with his father and went to the store during halftime of a basketball game. The shooting happened 3 houses down from his dads house. There literally is no way possible that you could be more off base. I would love to know where you got your info from on that.
I missed the second part of XXL's statement, "if you're well being is in danger" is correct It doesn't have to be in your house, though.

I think he cold blooded killed the kid.

Personally I dont think he woke up that morning with the intent that he was gonna murder a kid that day. He saw a black kid wearing a hoody walking in that neighbor and automatically thought he was up to no good (hell he even says as much in the 911 call and even says "hes got to be on drugs or something). Why? For the simple fact that he was walking around the neighborhood. Not only was he following the kid but ended up chasing him despite the dispatcher telling him flat out not to do that. Another fishy thing is that he told the dispatcher that they had recently had some breakins and this guy looked suspicious despite the fact that the person that had done the breakins had already been caught (and Zimmermain knew this). What I THINK happened was he kept following Trayvon and Trayvon ended up confronting him, likely yelling and cussing at him. Either they started shoving each other or maybe even Zimmermain reached into his pocket for his cell phone and Trayvon panicked thinking he was reaching for something else. Trayvon DEFINITELY whooped his ass. I dont think there is much you can dispute with that. Does an ass whooping make it justified to shoot and kill an unarmed person, even if they are kicking your ass? I guess thats part of the main question. Did he truly feel like Trayvon was going to kill him or was he just a p***y that couldnt take an ass whooping so he pulled out a gun like a coward?

Regardless of which of those you believe, had he not been following a kid that he had no reason to follow, especially after the 911 dispatcher told him NOT to then Trayvon would be alive and Zimmermain would be harassing someone else in the neighborhood. Was it racially motivated? Would he have thought the kid was suspicious had it been a 17 year old white kid walking down the street? Ask yourself that honestly.
Personally I dont think he woke up that morning with the intent that he was gonna murder a kid that day. He saw a black kid wearing a hoody walking in that neighbor and automatically thought he was up to no good (hell he even says as much in the 911 call and even says "hes got to be on drugs or something). Why? For the simple fact that he was walking around the neighborhood. Not only was he following the kid but ended up chasing him despite the dispatcher telling him flat out not to do that. Another fishy thing is that he told the dispatcher that they had recently had some breakins and this guy looked suspicious despite the fact that the person that had done the breakins had already been caught (and Zimmermain knew this). What I THINK happened was he kept following Trayvon and Trayvon ended up confronting him, likely yelling and cussing at him. Either they started shoving each other or maybe even Zimmermain reached into his pocket for his cell phone and Trayvon panicked thinking he was reaching for something else. Trayvon DEFINITELY whooped his ass. I dont think there is much you can dispute with that. Does an ass whooping make it justified to shoot and kill an unarmed person, even if they are kicking your ass? I guess thats part of the main question. Did he truly feel like Trayvon was going to kill him or was he just a p***y that couldnt take an ass whooping so he pulled out a gun like a coward?

Regardless of which of those you believe, had he not been following a kid that he had no reason to follow, especially after the 911 dispatcher told him NOT to then Trayvon would be alive and Zimmermain would be harassing someone else in the neighborhood. Was it racially motivated? Would he have thought the kid was suspicious had it been a 17 year old white kid walking down the street? Ask yourself that honestly.

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