🏈 To those of you that sell your tickets to rival fans....

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I completley understand Delta.. it used to be real bad in our section until they moved the student section next to us... but now we have to deal with idiot drunk students that smoke 4 packs a day, and drink so much bourbon that you feel drunk from jsut smelling it.. lol

We only had about 6 UGA fans aroudn us.. and to be quite honest it was teh bama student section that got on my nerves.. one girl and her boyfriend spent the whole game trying to start a figth with the UGA fans that had done absolutely nothin to them other than cheer for UGA..
Porterhouse said:
RollTideinGA said:
It is not really bama fans selling Tide Pride tix. There are a couple of factors.

If you don't think a lot of TP members are having their tickets bought up by rivals on ebay and stubhub then you are being a little naive. I HATE brokers as well, UA should stop selling to them (like A_T said), but there are too many so called "real BAMA fans" that indirectly do the same thing that the brokers are doing... and that is unfortunate.

Okay where did I say no TP members are selling their seats? I pointed out the other possibilities. UA sells to whoever has the cash, not requirment to prove loyalty or intentions. :roll:
Atlanta_Tider said:
Proud Tiger said:
BD, I totally agree with you (that's scary). I sure hope I don't have those obnoxious bama fans sitting behind me at this year's Iron Bowl that were there two years ago. :D
Careful, it might be me!

I doubt you would be like that. It turns out the Auburn guy who has the seats (season books) was giving them away to business customers of his from visiting teams. None of them were very civil although I treid to be friendly with them in the beginning. But booze usually got the better of them and trouble started. I talked to the guy about it. He had no idea his customers had been a problem and assured me he wouldn't give them away again unless he knew the people. It's a shame people pay good money to come to a game and then then get drunk and obnoxious. But we all have them and I don't think anyone has a corner on that market.......well maybe LSU in BR at night :D
So a co worker who is a UGA fan just came in to talk to me... ( he was super nice and enjoyed the tailgating and the game, and admitted he was scared to death at the end of the game) anyways he sat over there in THE ZONE he got tickets from a former BAMA PLAYER that his dad is friends with... didn't find out who the former bama player was though
I can't say much, not because I've ever sold my season tickets (I never had them to begin with) but I've been that rival fan that has got seats in the home section many times. In fact, my seats for this week's game is in the FSU inzone.
These days most schools changed up the seating so that it spreads out the opposing team fanbase. Probably to help control noise and also try to keep some order to the place.

I can't remember any big game i've been to in the past that didn't have rival fans sitting around or close to me. It doesn't bother me. They are there to watch and enjoy the game just like I am. Now if they start being rude and obnoxious, then that's a totally different situation all on its own. For that, I have zero patience for and will not hesitate to handle the situation wether that be yell at them or get security involved. Thankfully I haven't had a real bad obnoxious rival fan sitting next to me at BDS in a long time. I probably just jinxed myself saying that :?
Proud Tiger said:
Atlanta_Tider said:
Proud Tiger said:
BD, I totally agree with you (that's scary). I sure hope I don't have those obnoxious bama fans sitting behind me at this year's Iron Bowl that were there two years ago. :D
Careful, it might be me!

I doubt you would be like that. It turns out the Auburn guy who has the seats (season books) was giving them away to business customers of his from visiting teams. None of them were very civil although I treid to be friendly with them in the beginning. But booze usually got the better of them and trouble started. I talked to the guy about it. He had no idea his customers had been a problem and assured me he wouldn't give them away again unless he knew the people. It's a shame people pay good money to come to a game and then then get drunk and obnoxious. But we all have them and I don't think anyone has a corner on that market.......well maybe LSU in BR at night :D
I am far from obnoxious, even when very drunk! You can do better and sell me a ticket next to you for the Iron Bowl though :D :D
Porterhouse said:
Amen Delta. Folks who sell their season tickets to rivals should be warned once. If it happens again, they should be removed from Tide Pride, and sent to the back of the line.

I think this is bull crap. It's a football game and if someone buys tickets they should be able to do what they want to with them.

Quit your crying! If you can't take cheers from rival fans or getting beat, then maybe this isn't the sport for you.

Just my opinion.
The way I see it the problem is not that a UGA fan bought the tickets, the problem is that a Bama fan did not outbid the UGA fan for that ticket.

We understand and accept the old saying "one side wanted it more that the other" with regards to action on the field. The same should apply in the stands.

Bluntly, we are blessed to live in a market economy but have become spoiled. Bottom line, those were not your seats and you have no right to decide what butt, if any, sits in them. If you want them, buy them. If you won't or can't, trade your whining for more cheering and get on with it.
If I were in Tiger Stadium and had to sit by a Georgia fan I would leave. Wait, if I were anywhere around Georgia fans I would leave. Georgia fans are rude. :lol:

Yeah, this is coming from an LSU fan.
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