🏈 To all RTB Members

Kirk Van de Graaff

Gravity Checker
I have a hard time posting stuff like this but will be quick, respectful and to the point.

To all Staff and members here, if you would respectfully, lessen the vulgarity and marginal pics, we would appreciate it. We have had concerns/PMs from members about the language on this site. We have Children, people of faith, and even Ministers that frequent this site, and out of respect for them I ask you all to use better language.

I appreciate you all.

Bama1966 said:
I have a hard time posting stuff like this but will be quick, respectful and to the point.

To all Staff and members here, if you would respectfully, lessen the vulgarity and marginal pics, we would appreciate it. We have had concerns/PMs from members about the language on this site. We have Children, people of faith, and even Ministers that frequent this site, and out of respect for them I ask you all to use better language.

I appreciate you all.


crimsontradition14 said:
That is why I love this site.
Agreed... when i go to other sites and see how they treat their rival fans (and some of their own fans) posting compared to ours i see what a great site and what great people/fans we have on this forum... Bravo to the admins for keeping this a nice friendly environment for anyone. ;tr
Bama1966 said:
I have a hard time posting stuff like this but will be quick, respectful and to the point.

To all Staff and members here, if you would respectfully, lessen the vulgarity and marginal pics, we would appreciate it. We have had concerns/PMs from members about the language on this site. We have Children, people of faith, and even Ministers that frequent this site, and out of respect for them I ask you all to use better language.

I appreciate you all.


Ok I’ll be the bad guy on this so you all hate me later. What does anyone’s faith, children or the fact some might be Ministers have anything to do with a football site? I mean don’t we have a PRAYER BOARD all ready.

I haven’t seen anything posted anywhere on the site that is even close to being bad? Have I missed something, are you referring to anything? If so can you give an example? I’d like to see it? You know not everyone is into religion, but you don’t see them pointing at how much religion is on this site.

I have no doubt that the staff here wants have a clean site. I also understand you do a great job 66 and other members. I don’t understand is why someone else’s believes are being pushed on others?

As for children well, folks if your kid can log on here then they can access just about anything else that’s a fact. Sorry to break it to you, but you have to be real about it. Google can find a lot of stuff, which is a lot easier the loggin on to this site. I’m sure most don’t but let’s not be getting crazy about saying damn shall we!

Let the flames begin!
my only question is what prompted this.

noticed a LSU fan and one of ours going at it like little girls at the mall, but haven't noticed much vulgarity or questionable posts, unless of course they have been deleted by the mods as soon as they hit the site.

but I do enjoy the CLEAN fun we have, so I am not against it in the way Optimus is, no offense OP
elbatider said:
Optimus said:
What does anyone’s faith, children or the fact some might be Ministers have anything to do with a football site?

Thankfully something because it seems it has nothing to do with anything that goes on in this country anymore.

Ok, I fail to see your point? I was talking about our site, now you're talking about the country?

Vote democrat for change is all I can tell you. Now I'm sure there are some McCain followers will tell you diffrent :D :wink:
Optimus, I'll speak for Kirk on this one.

Basically, long and short, is that we try to run a PG-13 site when it's all said and done. When I say PG-13 I don't mean that we want immature posting or nonsense. We just want solid posting and participation without the language and idiotic stuff that can sometimes accompany it. Having said that....for the most part (and I mean like 99% of the time) people here do that. We have the best site on the net as far as I'm concerned. We have the best members. We're like a family. We all get along well and we have solid people here from top to bottom. But every once in a while things get a little dicey and the staff has to bring people back in line.

All in all, it's not that big a deal though, because...WE HAVE THE BEST SITE, WITH THE BEST PEOPLE. So our jobs are easy. We just once in a while have to play the "authority" card and to their credit, the members are good enough to recognize and respect that.

Seriously though Optimus, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that you guys don't get to see. And we have had comments and complaints. It's our job to address them. It's not a HUGE deal, because it's not an ongoing or major problem really, but we do have to address things when they come up.

Has the language and marginal pics ramped up lately? Maybe. I'm not sure? But whether I see it or you see it, that's not really the issue. As staff we have obligations to the members, and that's really what it comes down to.

Now, pipe down or else I'll be forced to smoke some ribs, bring them over to your place.....then force you to watch me and Drew eat them one by one! :twisted:

You get nothing! :twisted: :P :wink:
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