| OT Attn: All RTB members who have served in the armed forces…

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
Veterans Day is Saturday… Would love to see a list of everyone who has served (or currently is serving) our nation. Give us the years, branch, etc. I know of quite a few on here, we’ve also had a ton of members that served that are not active much or haven’t been in a long time. Hope everyone that sees this will respond though, would love to see the list. And obviously, I (we) thank you.

This is also a good list to have in case we ever need to organize an RTB militia.
US Army Reserve 1962-68
Active Duty 1962-63
Still have my Expert Rifleman badge, but you'll have to find me an M1 Garand if trouble breaks out.

Edit: To avoid any possible misunderstanding, let me add that my active duty was served prior to the full-on Vietnam War (though the US did have a small number of advisors there at the time), and that I got my marksmanship rating in Basic Training. The most memorable event of that period for me was the Cuban Missile Crisis, during which they marched all of us down to the dispensary and vaccinated us for yellow fever, just in case.
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621 days in VN..68-69-70-71
Several ( if not more...lol) units

Shout out to wifes n girlfriends that waited for their man....ms50+ was one
Had to be equally as hard on them

@Brandon Van de Graaff
Armed n dangerous ...ready for my orders ..sir...
Ah...bad news though...i got a bad knee now..eye sight is weaker...have to take my meds...dont like being away from home...maybe i could just "phone in" my duty now?
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Gentlemen, THANK YOU for everything you have done to keep America free and the greatest country in the world by serving.

I am getting ready for a Veteran's Day assembly here at school this morning. I love this event we host more than any other. What an honor to see all of the veterans at our event. A special salute to my dad, Buddy Armstrong who served in the U.S. Army in the Korean War. Dad is 91.
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