Check out Craigslist, I use to search Craigslist. There is a guy in Huntsville selling one (, probably more than you want to pay.
I think the challenge is spending as little capital as possible to get started, but be in the best position to success.
My mom used to be a health inspector about 10 years ago, maybe 8. I could always ask her some questions if you like.
Poking @tidentrue again, he's into BBQ'ing competitions, so he'd probably have alot of insight.
Below is a guys rig here in town, he started doing this from a trailer and within the last 6 months he's opened a restaurant in town.
I think the challenge is spending as little capital as possible to get started, but be in the best position to success.
My mom used to be a health inspector about 10 years ago, maybe 8. I could always ask her some questions if you like.
Poking @tidentrue again, he's into BBQ'ing competitions, so he'd probably have alot of insight.
Below is a guys rig here in town, he started doing this from a trailer and within the last 6 months he's opened a restaurant in town.