🏈 Things are entirely too civil here

The only bad thing I can say is when Tommy B. and Tommy T. are disappointed they look a like. I hope they're both disappointed at the beginning and end of this season :D.
TigerTeacher2007 said:
between the Clemsona and Bama fans.
Let me be the first say to that your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.

Now go away, or we shall taunt you again.
TigerTeacher2007 said:
between the Clemsona and Bama fans.
Let me be the first say to that your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.
You wiper of other peoples bottoms! Now go away or I will be forced to taunt you a second time!
TigerTeacher2007 said:
between the Clemsona and Bama fans.
Let me be the first say to that your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.

Guilty. After Dad made his Millions in the Elderberry boom of the late 80's my folks semi-retired. Now Mom love volunteering at one of the Chuck-E-Cheese franchises she bought. She loves entertaining the kids in the Hamster (actually a mouse) costume.
bamaupsman said:
TigerTeacher2007 said:
between the Clemsona and Bama fans.
Let me be the first say to that your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.
You wiper of other peoples bottoms! Now go away or I will be forced to taunt you a second time!

"You empty-headed animal food trough wipper!"
Not to break the theme that has started but:

I think that TigerTeacher2007's sister wears combat boots and his Mom dresses him funny.
Not only that, but I heard that he was the kid in school who harvested the gum from underneath desks for recycling purposes...and he wasn't even poor!

Bama Bo said:
Not to break the theme that has started but:

I think that TigerTeacher2007's sister wears combat boots and his Mom dresses him funny.
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