| FTBL The 10 worst list



Saw this linked on another site and figured you guys would like it.

The 10 Worst Announcers List

I agree with a lot of it and that Blackledge/Patrick exchange has to be one of the all-time best. Patrick is calling our overtime game and people are going nuts with excitement and tension so Patrick's gut instinct tells him it's time to talk about Britany Spears. :lol: :roll:

Blackledge is like, "What the **** are you talking about"?!?!?!?!?! :lol:
Patrick is beyond horrible. I'm not sure why he has such a prominent role on ESPN. Maybe I'm alone on this but I always liked Ron Franklin.

I'm also glad to see that Chris Berman is ranked #1.
TerryP said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
I agree. Sat. night football with Gottfried and Franklin on ESPN was my all-time favorite. I guess not to many others felt the same because they are no longer together.

Freddie Roads? I could go on...

That did get on my nerves something fierce, but Franklin and Gottfried on Saturday night was like Golden Flake and Coca Cola. Peanut Butter and Jelly. Sonny and Cher. Simon and Garfunkel.

I hear those voices at 6:30 on a cool fall Saturday evening in September and I am home. It is like when you smell something and it takes you back to a time and place.
rammerjammer said:
TerryP said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
I agree. Sat. night football with Gottfried and Franklin on ESPN was my all-time favorite. I guess not to many others felt the same because they are no longer together.

Freddie Roads? I could go on...

That did get on my nerves something fierce, but Franklin and Gottfried on Saturday night was like Golden Flake and Coca Cola. Peanut Butter and Jelly. Sonny and Cher. Simon and Garfunkel.

I hear those voices at 6:30 on a cool fall Saturday evening in September and I am home. It is like when you smell something and it takes you back to a time and place.

Agreed, along with Adrian Karstin (sp?) on the sidelines and before him, Dr. Jerry Punch.

Brent Musburger is such a suck-up to the Big/Pac 10 it makes me want to puke! Add "know-it-all" Dan Fouts and you have the absolute worst broadcasting team of all time.

Good to see Joe Morgan on the list.
I actually kind of like Chip Caray, but then again, I'm a Braves homer. A Reds homer may like Morgan, but I don't see how.

Franklin and Gottfried were always my favorite team for football. I miss them. I know Gottfried butchered names at times, but I thought it was funny.
mussburger sure is annoying as hell, atleast he stoped saying "pardner " all the time.

btw anyone played this yet http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1485192/posts[/url]
Bama Bo said:
Good to see Joe Morgan on the list.
I actually kind of like Chip Caray, but then again, I'm a Braves homer. A Reds homer may like Morgan, but I don't see how.

Franklin and Gottfried were always my favorite team for football. I miss them. I know Gottfried butchered names at times, but I thought it was funny.

I always loved Gottfried and Franklin as well. Gottfried could tear some names up like nobody's business but I did really like him. He always reminded me of like your crazy uncle Earnie that had that down-home, shucks, golly, quality about him. Just an easy going, lovable guy who probably drinks a little too much during commercial breaks. :lol:

Someone said on here last year that it was actually Franklin that broke that team up, sighting that Franklin didn't want to work with Mike any more. Not sure how true that is. I did like that combo though.
reger60 said:

Brent Musburger is such a suck-up to the Big/Pac 10 it makes me want to puke! Add "know-it-all" Dan Fouts and you have the absolute worst broadcasting team of all time.


I remember the 92 Season someone had a sign at one game telling Mr. Musburger to go have relations with himself and I could not agree more. I can't listen to him. I turned off the Indy 500 when I heard his voice.
My all time worst would be Tim McCarver. I love watching the World Series but his input is terrible. I can stomach Joe Morgan only because I grew up a fan of the Big Red Machine. However, Joe's picture would define a racist if it in fact possible for a black man to be so :roll:

Bill Curry should also be on this list IMO.
The list is pretty accurate.

I guess this shows my age, but I am not pleased with the way sports (and hard-news coverage too for that matter) has evolved over the years - with the downfall beginning with Howard Cosell (sic?).

Cosell (sic?) was the first sportscaster to try to be the story instead of simply broadcasting the story. And virtually every person on that list, Berman and McCarver and Vitale the most notable, try to make their persona more important than the event. I can tolerate a poor or weak announcer who is just bad at highlighting the event, but I cannot tolerate a poor announcer who steps on and over the event to tout himself over the action.

Part of the problem with today's crop of announcers is that you have an overwhelming number of games and events being broadcast as compared to the past (even five-to-ten years ago) and there is just not a sufficient inventory of A-list announcers. Like MLB has a problem finding enough MLB-calibre pitchers to fill out 30 teams compared to 24-or-28 teams in the past, so too do the sports channels or networks have trouble finding enough capable announcers to cover all the events. Still, again, it is not so much the technical skill of the announcers that grate on my nerves so, it is the personalities they exhibit. And the former can be reigned in if only the producers would do so.

I have NEVER watched an athletic contest because of who was announcing the event. But I HAVE refused to watch (or listen) to a contest because of who was on the mic (Vitale most regularly).
alagator said:
I have NEVER watched an athletic contest because of who was announcing the event. But I HAVE refused to watch (or listen) to a contest because of who was on the mic (Vitale most regularly).
So true, well said! If only these announcers knew this.
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